formio / angular-material

JSON powered forms for Angular Material
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[BUG] MatFormioModule is not a reference: [object Object] #159

Closed kenobi-io closed 3 years ago

kenobi-io commented 4 years ago


Please provide as many details as you can:

Steps to Reproduce

node_modules/angular-material-formio/fesm2015/angular-material-formio.js:4104:26 - error NG at position 4 in the NgModule.imports of MatFormioModule is not a reference: [object Object]

Expected behavior

Observed behavior


For code or form JSON, please enclose in a code block:

node_modules/angular-material-formio/fesm2015/angular-material-formio.js:4104:26 - error NG at position 4 in the NgModule.imports of MatFormioModule is not a reference: [object Object]
[ng] 4104                 imports: [
[ng]                               ~
[ng] 4105                     CommonModule,
[ng]      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[ng]  ...
[ng] 4128                     DragDropModule
[ng]      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[ng] 4129                 ],
[ng]      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
travist commented 4 years ago

What version of Angular are you trying here?

kenobi-io commented 4 years ago

angular 11.0.0

travist commented 4 years ago

I would like to hold off on answering this one until we update this library to the latest angular releases.

mdesens commented 4 years ago

Instead of:

import { MatInputModule, MatButtonModule, MatFormFieldModule, MatCheckboxModule, MatRadioModule, MatSelectModule, MatListModule, MatChipsModule, MatExpansionModule, MatCardModule, MatStepperModule, MatTabsModule, MatTableModule, MatDatepickerModule, MatNativeDateModule, MatProgressSpinnerModule, MatIconModule, MatTooltipModule, MatMenuModule } from '@angular/material';

Try this:

import { MatInputModule } from '@angular/material/input'; import { MatFormFieldModule } from '@angular/material/form-field'; import { MatCheckboxModule } from '@angular/material/checkbox'; import { MatRadioModule } from '@angular/material/radio'; import { MatSelectModule } from '@angular/material/select'; import { MatListModule } from '@angular/material/list'; import { MatChipsModule } from '@angular/material/chips'; import { MatExpansionModule } from '@angular/material/expansion'; import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button'; import { MatCardModule } from '@angular/material/card'; import { MatStepperModule } from '@angular/material/stepper'; import { MatTabsModule } from '@angular/material/tabs'; import { MatTableModule } from '@angular/material/table'; import { MatNativeDateModule } from '@angular/material/core'; import { MatDatepickerModule } from '@angular/material/datepicker'; import { MatProgressSpinnerModule } from '@angular/material/progress-spinner'; import { MatTooltipModule } from '@angular/material/tooltip'; import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon'; import { MatMenuModule } from '@angular/material/menu';

SergioASalazarGastelo commented 3 years ago

Any news about this? Thanks in advanced.

travist commented 3 years ago

I am hoping to work on an updated build for latest Angular versions this week.