formio / angular

JSON powered forms for Angular
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Flickering occurs for the field if there is a JavaScript logic for that (even if you clicked any other field) #1050

Open b09h opened 3 months ago

b09h commented 3 months ago

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Drag and drop the Checkbox Field component & save it with normal configurations
  2. Drag and drop one custom date picker component (we used owl date picker with version i.e., "ng-pick-datetime": "^7.0.0"). Add logic to this component in js (you can add simple console.log(123) or some condition )
  3. Now, While Previewing in other page, Just click on Checkbox (configured in first step)

Expected behavior

Not expecting to flicker

Observed behavior


If possible, please provide a screenshot, live example (via JSFiddle or similar), and/or example code to help demonstrate the issue. Normal View: image

I clicked on checkbox (enable mode) it flickered again i unchecked the checkbox, The View after clicking on Checkbox below(flickering happening for one sec) image

For code or form JSON, please enclose in a code block:

// or you can write any other condition you want
b09h commented 3 months ago

@travist, Can you please help/comment on this?

b09h commented 2 months ago

@peterblazejewicz / @randallknutson / @dmenne, can anyone please help on this? this is the critical issue in my project

peterblazejewicz commented 2 months ago

This sounds like event bubbling causing re-render? I'd create a sample on stackblitz (or somewhere similar) to isolate a problem, thx!