formio / angular

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how to add scroll to a formio data grid and give a width to a column #933

Open Jayanth-R opened 1 year ago

Jayanth-R commented 1 year ago

We are using formio data grid as the number of column increases grid is placed outside the view port and couldn't scroll Is there a way to add scroll and give width to a column? Please find the attachment ![image]()

As a work around for above issue tried to override the default css in style.css by placing grid in tabs > div:has(table){ overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; }

table > tbody > tr>td>div{ width: 16rem; }

above workaround is causing other issue like couldn't see the values of drop down tried to z-index but couldn't achieve it image

lane-formio commented 2 months ago

Can you share what versions you are experiencing this on?