formio / angular

JSON powered forms for Angular
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[Question]: How to customize the form builder wizard panel configuration #950

Closed davidyoung77 closed 3 months ago

davidyoung77 commented 1 year ago

I am using the Angular/Formio builder wizard for multiple pages/steps.

How can I customize the builder panel/modal for the wizard pages?

Referring to this wizard Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 5 01 25 PM

Referring to this panel modal that pops up when I edit a wizard page Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 5 00 55 PM

Can I customize the builder components that show up in this wizard panel modal? If not can I build a custom component and get the wizard to use my own custom panel/page

I am able to configure the builder panel/modal for any custom components successfully

See example here: Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 5 00 36 PM

davidyoung77 commented 1 year ago

Note: this describes how to customize component schema for a custom component, but not how to customize the component configuration for an existing component in the builder panel

adhonay commented 11 months ago

@davidyoung77 Hello, it is only possible to customize the editing modal of a custom component.