formio / angular

JSON powered forms for Angular
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[BUG] Can't create resources #989

Closed gonlopherfuj closed 2 months ago

gonlopherfuj commented 9 months ago


Please provide as many details as you can:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Access the resources section
  2. Click on the create form button
  3. Enter any test data and save form

Expected behavior

What we have created should appear in the "Resources" section

Observed behavior

What we have created appears in the "Forms" section


If possible, please provide a screenshot, live example (via JSFiddle or similar), and/or example code to help demonstrate the issue.

For code or form JSON, please enclose in a code block:

// your code here
roma-formio commented 9 months ago

Hey @gonlopherfuj! Thank you for reaching out. We will investigate this issue.

prathmchavan commented 9 months ago

hello @gonlopherfuj can you elaborate more on Expected behavior and Observed behavior while going through the website i didn't get the issue like what you wanted to tell

gonlopherfuj commented 9 months ago


I do the following:

I am in the resources tab, I click on the create form button below, I add a component and I save.

Since I am in the resources tab, a resource should be created but instead a form is created. So, I can't find a way to create resources.

roma-formio commented 9 months ago

@gonlopherfuj you can track this PR When it's merged, you can set the "resource" type in the config.