formio / angular

JSON powered forms for Angular
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[BUG] Search field(s) not working #997

Open gonlopherfuj opened 8 months ago

gonlopherfuj commented 8 months ago


Please provide as many details as you can:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Access the form or resources section
  2. Click on the create or edit form button
  3. Enter any letter or word in the component search

Expected behavior

It should show me those components that match the searched pattern

Observed behavior

It doesn't show me any components.

I want to add an image that may help the solution. Debugging the code I realize that 'sidebar-groups' is null and that's why it doesn't look for anything, it enters the first return and the code ends.


adhonay commented 8 months ago

Can you run the ng serve command and send me a printout? I would like to know the version of your angular cli, node and npm.

gonlopherfuj commented 7 months ago


node: v16.14.0 npm: v9.4.2 angular cli: v16.2.0

daneformio commented 2 months ago

@gonlopherfuj What library is on 6.0.0-rc.5, per your initial message? Disregard, see next comment

daneformio commented 2 months ago

@gonlopherfuj The version of the renderer you are using (5.0.0-rc.27) is supported by the 6.5.0 version of formio/angular. Please upgrade and see if the issue is still present.