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Manipulating schema in Custom Component #5630

Open DonAmit197 opened 3 weeks ago

DonAmit197 commented 3 weeks ago


I am building a custom component on top of ContentComponent. I have mostly done, but got stuck on updating the schema. My code follows below:

import ImageComponentDisplay from './ImageComponent.edit.display';
import _ from 'lodash';
import NativePromise from 'native-promise-only';
const imageViewComponent = (_module) => {
  const Formio = _module;
  const ContentComponent = Formio.Components.components.content;

  class ImageComponent extends ContentComponent {
    static schema(...extend) {
      return ContentComponent.schema(
          label: 'Image upload',
          type: 'imageComponent',
          key: 'imageComponent',
    static get builderInfo() {
      return {
        title: 'Image',
        icon: 'terminal',
        group: 'Field',
        weight: 3,
        documentation: '/userguide/#html-element-component',
        schema: ImageComponent.schema({}),

    attach(element) {
        const addImgDimension = () => {
        const imgWidth = parseInt(this.schema.width);
        const imgHeight = parseInt(this.schema.height);
        const $img = element.querySelector('img');
        if ($img) {
          if (imgWidth) {
                  $img.width = imgWidth;

          if (imgHeight) {
               $img.height = imgHeight;

        const innerElement = element.querySelector('[ref="html"]').innerHTML;
           if (this.refs.html) {
          this.setContent(this.refs.html, innerElement);
        new Promise((resolve) => {
          if (_.has(this.schema, 'html')) {
           setTimeout(() => {
              this.schema.html = innerElement;
            }, 800);
      const setAltAttr = () => {
        const figCaption = element.querySelector('figcaption');

        if (figCaption) {
 = 'none';
          const $img = element.querySelector('img');
          const altText = figCaption.textContent.trim();
          $img.setAttribute('alt', altText);
          this.schema.alt = altText;


      this.on('change', () => {

      return super.attach(element);

  ImageComponent.editForm = () => {
    return {
      components: [
          key: 'tabs',
          type: 'tabs',
          components: ImageComponentDisplay,

  Formio.Components.addComponent('imageComponent', ImageComponent);

export default imageViewComponent;

Trying to update the schema JSON html on change of the custom component, with this.schema.html = innerElement;, but I am stuck here as it is not updating the schema. Can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks