formkit / formkit

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Custom taglist validation error only shows up when you focus out #1278

Closed abdelrahmansafwat closed 1 month ago

abdelrahmansafwat commented 2 months ago



Describe the bug

If I use a taglist field, with allowNewValues, and custom validation, the validation errors don't show up as I add a new tag. The errors only show up when I focus out of the field. This is kinda inconvenient for our users, since they will never know that a problematic tag was added until they click away from the field itself.

I debugged it and the validation does happen with every tag added, but it's just the error label that doesn't render.


• OS: Ubuntu • Browser: Firefox, Chrome • Version: 1.6.0, 1.5.9

sashamilenkovic commented 1 month ago

You can set validation-visibility="live". Here's the updated playground: Here's the docs: