formly-js / angular-formly-templates-lumx

LumX Templates for Angular-Formly
MIT License
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Errors not showing in lx-wrapper #10

Closed charandas closed 8 years ago

charandas commented 9 years ago

Hi @ShMcK nice work on this project. Looks so polished :+1:

I ran into an issue with ng-messages with 5.0.3 version of formly. But its happening the same with master too. Checkout this plunkr. Basically, all I get is a red-underline. No ng-messages bound through the ng-repeat in this template show up.

I would have created the plunkr with 5.x version of formly, but for some reason, those kept giving me the error about formlyConfigProvider not being there, interestingly enough, that just happened for me on with <script> tag usage. In development, the 5.x versions are working fine through my systemjs loader.

ShMcK commented 9 years ago

Thanks @kbdaitch. And thanks for the example, I know it's hard with the long list of LumX dependencies.

You're right, the default ngMessages in the example loading, eg. This field is required, but not the custom ones. This is probably due to updates in angular-formly that I haven't kept up with.

I'm thinking it's this one:

I'll try to put out a fix later today and let you know. Thanks again!

ShMcK commented 9 years ago

More likely this change:

charandas commented 9 years ago

Thanks @ShMcK for your prompt response.

I had one more request. Could you check on multi select as well, when you take a pass with the new formly.

In my case, it complains about ngrepeat and duplicate repeaters. I basically took the example field config from your deno app, and that throws this error.

ShMcK commented 9 years ago

Sure, I've got some time now.

If you find any other bugs or have some good examples you'd like to add to the demo, let me know as well.

ShMcK commented 9 years ago

Quick fix for the error wrapper. Use formlyValidationMessages to add error messages.

See lines 49, 51 in this plnkr.

ShMcK commented 9 years ago

I haven't been able to reproduce the multi-select issue.

Would you recommend applying your earlier lx-select solution to the general lx-select template?

charandas commented 9 years ago

Sure, if the modal-to-object and back callbacks are in the general template, that would be nice for everyone.

Just need to come up with the generic name for the "value" field. Not everyone probably calls it "value".

No worries if you cannot reproduce the multi select issue. I will try to create a separate issue with a plunkr if the issue persists.

On another note, thanks for the error wrapper workaround.