formly-js / angular-formly-templates-lumx

LumX Templates for Angular-Formly
MIT License
35 stars 14 forks source link

Dependencies: Using both bootstrap and lumx templates with angular-formly #14

Closed algone closed 8 years ago

algone commented 9 years ago

I am primarily using angular-bootstrap formly template in my project. However, I would like to use a component provided by the angular-formly-templates-lumx. Problem is that I get my dependencies messed up, if I use the two. I want to use angular 1.4.0, however, angular-formly-templates-lumx seems to require angular 1.3.x. If i resolve it to use 1.4.0, I get conflicts with other dependencies. Does, the current version of angular-formly-templates-lumx work with angular 1.4.x?

ShMcK commented 8 years ago

The current version, 2.0.4 should work without issues.