formly-js / angular-formly-templates-lumx

LumX Templates for Angular-Formly
MIT License
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Issues in IE #15

Open devonsams opened 9 years ago

devonsams commented 9 years ago

Hello. I have been trying to figure out how to get these templates working in Internet Explorer. I'm testing in 9-edge, but not having any luck. Here's a jsbin that shows what's going on. I added some plain lumx fields below the formly form to show they are working just fine.

Can this possibly be fixed by a polyfill?

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago

Could you perhaps verify that this is indeed an issue with the lumx templates and not with angular-formly core itself?

devonsams commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the quick response! I'll start working on another test using a different set of templates and see how that goes.

devonsams commented 9 years ago

Here's one using the bootstrap templates that works in IE 9-edge.

ShMcK commented 9 years ago

I'll open this up in IE later today to test the issue. Unfortunately, I currently only have access to a mac now and can't seem to see problem. Perhaps you could briefly describe what is happening?

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago


ShMcK commented 9 years ago


devonsams commented 9 years ago

Here are some of the issues i'm noticing:

  1. Label doesn't transition up when clicking into a field. Instead it happens after typing something.
  2. The values entered into the inputs don't seem to be binding to the model
  3. Unable to tab from field to field
  4. Form object shows the following (even after filling out each field):
    "$dirty": false,
    "$pristine": true,
    "$valid": false,
    "$invalid": true,
ShMcK commented 9 years ago

This is definitely a bug in formly-templates. Thanks for pointing it out!

I'll try to narrow down the cause and put out a fix in the next day or so due to current time constraints.

So far it seems IE is not handling the attribute "model".

devonsams commented 9 years ago

Thanks! A fix will be much appreciated. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

ShMcK commented 9 years ago

So far I haven't been able to find what is causing the problem. None of the common IE/Angular bugs seem to be the cause.

I'll take a look again on Monday morning at the office. If anyone else would like to try, I've updated the code base on github. Templates are located in /src/fields, easily editable and are compiled into /dist if you run the command webpack.

devonsams commented 8 years ago

I'm coming back around to this. I'm going to start debugging today. Just wondered if you had any additional ideas?

ShMcK commented 8 years ago

I'm really not sure, though some protractor tests would certainly make the debugging go faster.

wwwmonkey commented 8 years ago

Updated jsbin as CDN links were broken:

Any progress with debugging this issue? I would appreciate any pointers on where to start.