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New examples: AngularUI Directives as Custom Templates #23

Open benoror opened 9 years ago

benoror commented 9 years ago

AngularUI Directives are interesting use-cases for custom templates. I am particularly interested in the following:

UI Bootstrap:

_Update_:Angular 1.4 is still not officially supported by AngularUI Bootstrap, but since it's an ngAnimate issue (Modal/Carousel) I don't expect much trouble

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago

Sounds good :-) I'll try to help make these where I can, but I'll likely bug you about it every now and then ;-)

benoror commented 9 years ago

Sure! BTW I totally missed that Typeahead example already exists

benoror commented 9 years ago

Please take a look at the UI Select example JSBin

benoror commented 9 years ago

Please take a look at the UI Grid example JSBin

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago

For the UI Grid one, make sure to change the title :-)

benoror commented 9 years ago


benoror commented 9 years ago

Regarding Datepicker, what's missing from ?

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago

I can't remember anymore. I felt like it was unfinished though...

benoror commented 9 years ago

So far I only see the stuff related to the "camelization" of ngModelAttrs, is that outdated?

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago

nope, that should still work.

benoror commented 9 years ago

Works well for me so far, let me know if you remember the issue

benoror commented 9 years ago

@kentcdodds please take a look at this UI Timepicker example JSBin

benoror commented 9 years ago

I would like to know your opinion regarding a datetimepicker type.

benoror commented 9 years ago

_Update_: Experimenting here:,console,output

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago

I'm leaning to having them just be separate types. I think that would be simplest to consume.

CodeLiftSleep commented 7 years ago

Can we get an example of data that loads dynamically from a website for UI Bootstrap Typeahead? There probably aren't many people that are going to be using this by creating a list in formly to get data from, retrieving it from a website would be a far, far more useful example

CodeLiftSleep commented 7 years ago

Here is a working example of Dynamically gotten data for UI Bootstrap Autocomplete combining the UI Bootstrap example with the ASync Controller example. Made some modifications to both and got it working properly...notice the item. for item is needed with this example whereas it was item for item