formtapez / ZigUP

CC2530 based multi-purpose ZigBee Relais, Switch, Sensor and Router
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Compilation problems with instructions from README #19

Open Boldie opened 4 years ago

Boldie commented 4 years ago

I got strange compilation errros not finding paths if I follow the readme.

Clone ZigUP source to \Projects\zstack\HomeAutomation\ZigUP\


Start \ZigUP\CC2530DB\ZigUP.eww to load project in IAR

Where is this located? I tried to open it in subdirecoty src -> Strange compile errors not finding the framework. Moving sources from /src to / I got some other compile errors.

I also got errors if I want to open for e.g.- Tools/f8wEndev.cfg from the IAR which points to an incorrect path: C:\Texas Instruments\Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a.44539\Projects\zstack\HomeAutomation\ZigUP\Tools\CC2530DB\f8wEndev.cfg

Have you some advices how to compile the stuff?

formtapez commented 4 years ago

Copy the "src/ZigUP" folder from the git-repository to your Z-Stack installation folder so it looks like this: \Projects\zstack\HomeAutomation\ZigUP\ In that folder start CC2530DB\ZigUP.eww to load the project in IAR. In the opened project search for f8wConfig.cfg in some of the displayed subdirectories and select the ZigBee channel your coordinator is using.

Boldie commented 4 years ago

Ok. I managed to compile the code. I uploaded the code to my evalboard. Unfortunately the device did not join my network. But it seems to behave like the other sample applications form TI with my zigbee2mqtt coordinator (checked channel and also added network default key to project). I think I have to wait till my ordered CC2531 device will come to sniff the network to check where the problem is.

tonipetrovic commented 4 years ago

Dear @formtapez ,

I did it as you mentioned, but IAR cannot find f8wConfig.cfg. It reports that **contains incorrect path.

Regards, Toni