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Upgrade to 3.0.1 - Failed on 2 Sites #211

Open Rickcarlson103 opened 6 years ago

Rickcarlson103 commented 6 years ago

Hi. You helped me get my upgrade files to download earlier today when it kept saying the server was busy. I was able to download it after that. I am upgrading from Formtools 2.2.6 to 3.0.1. I logged out of Formtools, unzipped the the files and carefully uploaded the new files (a confirmed total of 2236 files) into my website formtools directory using Filezilla. As expected, they were over-writing the old files. I then tried to refresh the login page to log into formtools but it just says "This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500" The url path is I have a 2nd website that I was trying to upgrade as well and thought something must have gone wrong with the first website so I tried it on the other. I got the exact same problem with it as well. On the 722 site, I restored it back to the pre-error state, but I renamed the ver 3.0.1 formfields directory before restoring as on the first restore attempt, there were still new files left in it and they were preventing it from working. I didn't delete the renamed ver 3.0.1 diretory yet in case you are wanting a screen shot of something in it.
Fortunately, I ran full website backups before I did this but I'm wondering if you have any ideas as to what went wrong. Both are ordinary installations without customization. Thanks.

benkeen commented 6 years ago

Hey @Rickcarlson103, sorry you ran into trouble!

Couple of things:


Rickcarlson103 commented 6 years ago

Hi.  I can see it is running php 5.3.  I have attached a screen shot showing php settings.  Maybe that’s of no use to you but I thought I would send it in case it reveals something to you?  If not, then I will check the logs next.  Thanks for the help.

Rickcarlson103 commented 6 years ago

Does this reveal anything?  I’m not experienced at going through error logs but could only find this:

[11-May-2018 14:16:29 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/rcarlson/public_html/ in /home/rcarlson/public_html/formtools/modules/form_builder/global/code/generator.php on line 681

[11-May-2018 14:16:29 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/rcarlson/public_html/ in /home/rcarlson/public_html/formtools/modules/form_builder/global/code/generator.php on line 681

[11-May-2018 14:16:29 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/rcarlson/public_html/ in /home/rcarlson/public_html/formtools/modules/form_builder/global/code/generator.php on line 682

[11-May-2018 14:16:29 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/rcarlson/public_html/ in /home/rcarlson/public_html/formtools/modules/form_builder/global/code/generator.php on line 683

benkeen commented 6 years ago

Yeah that helps, thanks! All those problem lines stem from an old version of the Form Builder: it shouldn't be loading that generator.php file at all - it was removed in Form Tools 3.

Could you check your download package you got from the site? Unzip it and go to /modules/form_builder. Does that folder exist?

It looks like either the download package didn't include the latest files for that module, or if it did, when you copied them to your server they didn't survive the trip. Curiouser and curiouser...

Rickcarlson103 commented 6 years ago

Yes, formtools/modules/form_builder exists. It’s in the unzipped package. It was generated for both of the 2 websites when I clicked upgrade and downloaded the recommended zip file it created.

Rickcarlson103 commented 6 years ago

image This is a screenshot after formtools/modules
You'll see that form_builder exists

Then here are the contents of the form_builder directory in both cases: image

Rickcarlson103 commented 6 years ago

I went into one of the 2 sites that had failed. Before restoring to v 2.6** I renamed the v3.0.1 directory so it would remain. Expanding it, here are the contents of the form_builder directory that uploaded. Note how the Global directory survived from the earlier install. Also see a file named module.php that presumably survived from the earlier install. You'll know if that was supposed to happen.
