formtools / core

The Form Tools Core.
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Password expiry / force users to change their passwords (e.g. after clicking on "forgot password") #727

Open kubajal opened 4 years ago

kubajal commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm developing a new plugin that will enable: 1) forcing the clients to change their passwords after a specified date (password expiry), 2) preventing clients from viewing submissions as long as they don't change their passwords (e. g. after logging in using a temporary password which has been resent to them because they forgot their password), 3) forcing certain users to change their passwords by administrators on demand.

Feel free to test it out and share your thoughts:!

solucje commented 4 years ago

Właśnie czegoś takiego szukałem. Do pełni szczęścia brakuje mi funkcji ktora bedzie nadawać konfigurowalne numery wpisów. Np 1/2020, 2/2020, 4737/2020 itd. które beda sie restartowac z nowym rokiem. 1/2021, 2/2021