formtools / core

The Form Tools Core.
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Beginner questions about integration and customization #926

Open igorlaszlo opened 6 months ago

igorlaszlo commented 6 months ago

I did not find a "beginner" section (or something like that) or a personal support for new users. So I ask here. before installation, I have some questions for what I did not find answers on Form Tools website. As I did not handle any PHP or database system since 10 years, I must learn again. 1) I did not understand hundred percent how Form Tools forms can be integrated in a website: when I created my form, is it possible to get its HTML codes to copy it on one of my webpage, or an iframe code, or it has its own page which I can change with CSS ? 2) Is it possible to customize the form and fields completely with CSS ? (form fields colors, sizes, heights etc.) 3) Can the form size be in % for different screen sizes ? I ask it because in a presentation image I saw that the form size could have been customized in pixels which is not good in responsive websites. 4) The translation is translating the admin part, or the form part (client side) or both ?