Open petersladek opened 7 years ago
One suggestion is to use AutoHotKey. Here's my script to get that working with Stata:
SetTitleMatchMode 1
active_id := WinGetID("A")
WinActivate "Stata"
WinWaitActive "Stata"
Send "do " A_Args[1] "{enter}"
Sleep 1000
;WinActivate "ahk_id " active_id
Would be really great If one could send/evaluate selected lines of code in active REPL terminal window instead of using output window. I mean something like SublimeREPL package for Sublime Text does. You write code in a file with nice editor features (autocomplete etc) , select a piece of code, hit alt+enter, and the code is evaluated in REPL. I really love that experience, and I couldn't find any extension that does this in VS Code.