formulahendry / vscode-dotnet-test-explorer

.NET Core Test Explorer for Visual Studio Code
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Removed directory ... due to it not containing any tests #248

Open mjnorman opened 4 years ago

mjnorman commented 4 years ago

If you open an issue please include

  1. Dotnet sdk version 3.1.102

  2. Unit test framework and relevants versions of that

    <PackageReference Include="nunit" Version="3.12.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="3.15.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.4.0"/>
  3. A link to a repo that replicated the issue

The issue is that the Test Explorer does not recognize the Tests project. The repro was created by simply

dotnet new mvc -o MyProject.Web
dotnet new nunit -o MyProject.Tests
dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add HRMenu.Web/HRMenu.Web.csproj
dotnet sln add HRMenu.Tests/HRMenu.Tests.csproj

The log indicates:

Starting extension
Finding projects for pattern /test/**/*Tests.csproj
Found 1 matches for pattern in folder /test
Evaluating match /test/MyProject.Tests/MyProject.Tests.csproj
Adding directory /test/MyProject.Tests
Executing dotnet test -t -v=q --no-build /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=lcov /p:CoverletOutput=./lcov in /test/MyProject.Tests
[WARNING] Removed directory /test/MyProject.Tests due to it not containting any tests
Euphoric commented 4 years ago

I have same problem


Finding projects for pattern c:/Users\Radek\Source\Repos\LibraryWebsite/LibraryWebsite.Test/LibraryWebsite.Test.csproj
Found 1 matches for pattern in folder c:\Users\Radek\Source\Repos\LibraryWebsite
Evaluating match c:/Users/Radek/Source/Repos/LibraryWebsite/LibraryWebsite.Test/LibraryWebsite.Test.csproj
Adding directory c:/Users/Radek/Source/Repos/LibraryWebsite/LibraryWebsite.Test
Executing dotnet test -t -v=q in c:/Users/Radek/Source/Repos/LibraryWebsite/LibraryWebsite.Test
[WARNING] Removed directory c:/Users/Radek/Source/Repos/LibraryWebsite/LibraryWebsite.Test due to it not containting any tests

Running dotnet test -t -v=q in c:/Users/Radek/Source/Repos/LibraryWebsite/LibraryWebsite.Test returns:

Test run for C:\Users\Radek\Source\Repos\LibraryWebsite\LibraryWebsite.Test\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\LibraryWebsite.Test.dll(.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.5.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

The following Tests are available:
    LibraryWebsite.Books.BookCsvParserTest.Parses_file_lines(datasetId: 1, expectedCount: 100)
    LibraryWebsite.Books.BookCsvParserTest.Parses_file_lines(datasetId: 2, expectedCount: 21)
GeorchW commented 4 years ago

@stefanforsberg Do you know the reasoning behind removing directories that do not contain any tests? Is it to make subsequent discovery faster? Because this behaviour requires to restart the extension when you mess up the build and then try to discover tests, since the directory containing the tests is permanently removed from the list.

stefanforsberg commented 4 years ago

Tbh I don't remember the reasoning.

I think it had to do with how parsed the results files and keeping track of how many files we are supposed to parse on a full run. So if you pointed the glob to something that matched 5 projects we updated the tree when 5 files had been parsed. If you had managed to add a project that did not contain tests that would never deliver a file and we would wait forever for it to arrive (those forever spinning errors). This might not be an issue once #252 is merged.

The "pointing a glob to match your test-projects" also causes confusion(rightly so), for instances see the issues in #249 so I'd gladly revisit our current concept and see if they can be updated.

If I remember dotnet vstest had trouble discovering tests or reporting test results when executing against solution files but if we could remove our glob approach and just utilize the underlying dotnet tools (eg point to a solution file) that would make the extension more stable.

GeorchW commented 4 years ago

Okay, so apart from the entire globbing issue: now that #252 is merged, we can probably just safely remove this behaviour, right? I'm going to make a PR then.

If I run dotnet test in the MSTest project folder (here), then I get output that looks just about right. This also works with solution files. (I've set the target framework to dotnetcore3.1 though, since I don't have the old versions installed any more.)

On the other hand, using globs to match the projects does not seem like a bad idea to me; I'm not sure how people with multiple test projects are going to work without using globs. I think that #249 is caused by the fact that all subdirectories also match the glob; see my comment there.

GeorchW commented 4 years ago

@mjnorman @Euphoric I think this should be fixed in the new version, does the problem persist?