formulahendry / vscode-mysql

MySQL management tool for Visual Studio Code
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Color of query result's headline(修改查询结果表头的颜色) #120

Open Charlie-lies opened 5 years ago

Charlie-lies commented 5 years ago

As @jannessm said , when using the light theme of VSCode the headline is not readable. It is quite necessary to change the color of headline for me. Please tell me the file name and the codes where I can modify the codes to change the color.

Charlie-lies commented 5 years ago

I solved it. Open the file " sqlResultWebView.js" from ".vscode\extensions\formulahendry.vscode-mysql-0.4.0\out", then modify the codes background:#444 below: static getWebviewContent(data) { const head = [].concat("<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html>", "<head>", '<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">', "<style>table{border-collapse:collapse; }table,td,th{border:1px dotted #ccc; padding:5px;}th {background:#444} </style>", "</head>", "<body>").join("\n"); const body = SqlResultWebView.render(data); const tail = [ "</body>", "</html>", ].join("\n"); return head + body + tail;

Charlie-lies commented 5 years ago

在c盘用户目录下找到在.vscode\extensions\formulahendry.vscode-mysql-0.4.0\out 文件夹里面的sqlResultWebView.js,用vscode打开。然后找到background:#444这句,把#444改成你想要的颜色,保存文件重启vscode就可以了。