formulaslug / expense

The #finance team's expense tracking tool
MIT License
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File an expense report #11

Open alexpriceco opened 7 years ago

alexpriceco commented 7 years ago

A user should be able to click File a new expense report on their home screen, and be sent to a route called /expense, where they can do the following:

  1. Add a photo of a receipt
  2. Select the project the purchase was for (FS0, FS1, SOLAR, DAGNE, Other (write in))
  3. Select a category for the purchase (training, materials, ... , other (write in))
  4. Describe the purchase in a few words (tech shop time to learn how to weld)
  5. Add the total $$$ amount to be reimbursed
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as many times as they'd like, adding receipts
  7. Review an overview before submitting, to confirm everything's right
  8. Autodownload a pdf version of the filled out Direct Payment form, with receipts attached as extra pages on the pdf. They'll need to sign this, and add in their SSN if not there, and send it to @alexprice on Slack
alexpriceco commented 7 years ago

@imWillX and I had a discussion today about whether step 8 is really necessary—perhaps looking into some third party libraries to allow a user to give us their signature, thus making it so they don't even have to know what a Direct Payment form looks like to submit one.