forntoh / LcdMenu

Display navigable menu items on your LCD display 📟 with Arduino
MIT License
159 stars 36 forks source link

[BUG]: Error installing LcdMenu #168

Open ZanPekosak opened 2 months ago

ZanPekosak commented 2 months ago

What happened?

When trying to install the library, I get the following issue. Installing the library with the ZIP method seems to work fine, but I can use Arduino simulators as the error shows up both in VS Code and in Arduino IDE, as well as online simulators, such as wokwi.



What environment are you seeing the problem in?


Board type

Arduino Uno

Relevant log output

Failed to install library: 'LcdMenu:3.5.4'. No valid dependencies solution found: dependency 'LiquidCrystal_I2C' is not available
forntoh commented 2 months ago

I'm guessing you probably need to install a Liquid Crystal I2C library first (it should normally install it, dunno why it didn't), can you try that and report if the install still fails?

ZanPekosak commented 2 months ago

I have had the I2C library for a few years now. Tried to reinstall it and the issue still remains. I'll be home in about a week where I'll get access to my Arduino's, so I can do some further testing. But unzipping seems to work alright, which is what matters the most. Thank you help!

ArcticBeat05 commented 1 month ago

Getting same error on Arduino IDE 2.3.2 as well as on wokwi, the LiquidCrystal_I2C runs fine when LcdMenu is not installed, but once installed even the basic I2C example doesn't work and get error "Error installing LcdMenu: No valid dependencies solution found: dependency 'LiquidCrystal_I2C' is not available"

bigmike0640 commented 1 week ago

Same issue. I found the LiquidCrystal_I2C library and installed it and also manually installed this library. I get the following error when I try to compile just the LCDmenu Basic example. .../LiquidCrystal_I2C/LiquidCrystal_I2C.h:182:7: note: declared private here

bigmike0640 commented 1 week ago

Update: The above experiment was running Arduino IDE on my macbook. I just did the same thing on my windows PC and it's working!