forrest79 / phpgsql

Simple and fast PHP database library for PostgreSQL with auto converting DB types to PHP and fluent interface for SQL query writing.
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Support for PostgreSQL own custom types? #35

Closed C-Duv closed 1 year ago

C-Duv commented 1 year ago


It seems the library does not support PostgreSQL custom types.

Say I have the following physical_address type:

CREATE TYPE physical_address AS (
    name text,
    extra_recipient_information text DEFAULT NULL,
    street_number_and_name text,
    extra_street_information text DEFAULT NULL,
    post_office_box text,
    postal_code text,
    locality text,
    country text

And a table of clients:

    id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
    name text NOT NULL,
    address physical_address NOT NULL

Containing the following row:

id|name   |address                                         |
… |Foo Bar|(Some Name,42th street,BP123,75001,Paris,France)|

With the following code:

$connection = new Forrest79\PhPgSql\Db\Connection(…);
$some_client = $connection->query(
    'SELECT * FROM "clients" LIMIT 1',

echo $some_client->address . PHP_EOL;

I get an exception:

Forrest79\PhPgSql\Db\Exceptions\DataTypeParserException: Can't parse type 'physical_address' for value '(Some Name,42th street,BP123,75001,Paris,France)'

Is there a way to make it work?

Can the library access sub fields? Like:

forrest79 commented 1 year ago

Hi, you must write your own DataTypeParser for your custom types. It's described here