forslund / spotify-skill

Mycroft Skill to control spotify using the Spotify Connect API
Apache License 2.0
71 stars 38 forks source link

transfer playback to another spotify device broken #138

Open fermulator opened 4 years ago

fermulator commented 4 years ago


As an extension/note to #136 , reporting that transferal of playback seems to be broken.

To start (baseline), playback on the local mycroft device through spotify installation instructions worked. (albeit after an unknown long period of delay ... at minimum my system didn't converge this capability for 6-24hours after configuring spotify & auth)

To start, let's playback some music:

 play some classical                                                                                                                                                    
 >> Just one moment while I look for that                                                                                                                   
 >> Now playing Some Classical Music by Various Artists.                                                                                                                


To start, let's look at what other devices the spotify skill knows about:

 What Spotify devices are available?                                                                                                                                    
 >> [AV] back den soundbar  

, this is correct.

However if I try to transfer the playback, it doesn't work

 transfer playback to [AV] back den soundbar                                                                                                                            
 >> I'm not sure I understood you.                                                                                                                                      
 transfer playback to back den soundbar                                                                                                                     
 >> I don't know what that means.           

both times

 07:22:55.126 | INFO     |  2785 | QuestionsAnswersSkill | Searching for transfer playback to [AV] back den soundbar                                                    
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
 07:22:56.361 | INFO     |  2785 | QuestionsAnswersSkill | Timeout occured check responses  

ONE time, (the first time I tried)

 07:16:12.245 | INFO     |  2785 | QuestionsAnswersSkill | Searching for hey mycroft, transfer playback to back den soundbar                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
Removing event fallback-query.mycroftai:QuestionQueryTimeout                                                                                                            
 07:16:13.079 | INFO     |  2785 | QuestionsAnswersSkill | Timeout occured check responses                                                                              
 07:16:16.350 | ERROR    |  2785 | mycroft-spotify_forslund.spotify:status:88 | HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Pool is closed.  
forslund commented 4 years ago

The utterance needs to contain spotify keyword to work. Try "transfer spotify to X" (Tried that here and it worked for me (TM))