forslund / spotify-skill

Mycroft Skill to control spotify using the Spotify Connect API
Apache License 2.0
71 stars 38 forks source link

Followed new credential instructions but still no matches #159

Open TheBigFudge opened 3 years ago

TheBigFudge commented 3 years ago

Hey Guys, I set up a new Picroft on a RaspberryPi 3 and trying to get the Spotify Skill working. I have followed the new instructions on #152 to get the API working and it seems to be work (I don't get the log | INFO | 17859 | SpotifySkill | Couldn't fetch credentials anymore. So this seems to work.

I also set up raspotify on my raspberry and set up a spotify device with the name mycroft. The Skill does find these devices:

021-01-05 11:42:23.183 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | <mycroft-spotify_forslund.spotify.SpotifyConnect object at 0x4520fd30>
2021-01-05 11:47:26.672 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | <mycroft-spotify_forslund.spotify.SpotifyConnect object at 0x4520fd30>

So this seems to also work. But unfortunately the skill can't get any results from Spotify. So when I ask e.g. "Play Hello Nasty on Spotify." I got these results:

2021-01-05 11:54:28.466 | INFO     |  4713 | Playback Control Skill | Resolving Player for: Play Hello Nasty on Spotify.
Removing event mycroft-playback-control.mycroftai:PlayQueryTimeout
Removing event mycroft-playback-control.mycroftai:PlayQueryTimeout
2021-01-05 11:54:29.095 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | Handling "Play Hello Nasty on Spotify." as a genric query...
2021-01-05 11:54:29.096 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | Checking users playlists
2021-01-05 11:54:29.365 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | Checking artists
Removing event mycroft-spotify.forslund:launch_librespot
2021-01-05 11:54:29.753 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | Checking tracks
2021-01-05 11:54:29.859 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | Checking albums
2021-01-05 11:54:29.936 | INFO     |  4713 | SpotifySkill | Checking tracks
Removing event mycroft-playback-control.mycroftai:PlayQueryTimeout
Removing event mycroft-playback-control.mycroftai:PlayQueryTimeout
2021-01-05 11:54:30.591 | INFO     |  4713 | Playback Control Skill |    No matches

I don't know what i'm doing wrong and can't get any further at this point. Does anyone know where the error could come from or what I could do to investigate the problem further?

I also get these logs which seem suspicious:

2021-01-05 11:38:29.561 | INFO     |  4713 | mycroft.skills.settings:get_local_settings:78 | /home/pi/.config/mycroft/skills/mycroft-spotify.forslund/settings.json
Removing event mycroft-spotify.forslund:SpotifyLogin
Removing event mycroft-timer.mycroftai:ShowTimer
Removing event mycroft-spotify.forslund:SpotifyLogin

Thanks in advance!

forslund commented 3 years ago

The fact that it's searching indicates that credentials works...however it's weird that it can't find anything. Going to test on a fresh setup here.

Also a good test to do is to ask what spotify devices are available this should list any connected player