forslund / white-house-adventure

Play Zork on your mycroft device!
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 9 forks source link

Returning garbage #4

Closed aussieW closed 6 years ago

aussieW commented 6 years ago

When I try to play the game the responses from Zork appear to be garbled. I have attached an dump of the CLI and the skills log below. Also note that after the first "open mailbox" command a garbled response is returned from Zork, but also "I don't know what that means" is returned by mycroft after failing to find a matching skill. This seems a bit strange as it obviously found the Zork skill first. On the second attempt it appears to behave normally (but still gives a garbled output).

Log Output:                                                                                                             12299-12308 of 28319
=================================================================================================================== mycroft-core 0.9.12 ===
~~~~rllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
05:51:19.707 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for WeatherSkill
05:51:19.716 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
~~~~rllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
05:51:21.573 - mycroft.skills.settings:_upload_meta:277 - INFO - sending settingsmeta.json for WeatherSkill to servers
05:51:21.587 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
05:51:25.033 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for StreamingRadioSkill
05:51:25.045 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
~~~~rllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
History ============================================================    Log Output Legend ==================================================
 >> I have done that for you.                                           DEBUG output
 >> The command was sent.                                               mycroft-skills.log, other
 play zork                                                              mycroft-speech-client.log
 >>  West of House You are standing in an open field west of a white
    house, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here.
 open mailbox
 >>  ialready op West fous     ef se              re:      Mes:0  Iis
 >> I don't know what that means.
 open mailbox
 >> Its rey en
 take leaflet
 >>             re0    Mos:1  ialadop. et!
 read leaflet
 >> elo se theosaminerto er en  mta.  cpu should be without one!"
 >>  You already have tha West of House
    Score: 0        Moves: 13  "WELCOME TO ZORK!  ZORK is
    daeralocuing. n iyoullxpreomof  mt azg triryvesebyorlsNoomter Wf
    H         Score: 0        Moves: 14  The door is bds.
Input (':' for command, Ctrl+C to quit) ===================================================================================================

06:22:08.772 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:utterance", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "utterances": ["play zork"]}, "context": null}
06:22:08.824 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "-334948055:PlayZork", "data": {"confidence": 1.0, "target": null, "Zork": "zork", "intent_type": "-334948055:PlayZork", "Play": "play", "__tags__": [{"end_token": 0, "start_token": 0, "from_context": false, "entities": [{"confidence": 1.0, "data": [["play", "AudioRecordSkillPlayVerb"], ["Play", "Concept"], ["play", "Play"]], "key": "play", "match": "play"}], "key": "play", "match": "play"}, {"end_token": 1, "start_token": 1, "from_context": false, "entities": [{"confidence": 1.0, "data": [["zork", "Zork"], ["Zork", "Concept"]], "key": "zork", "match": "zork"}], "key": "zork", "match": "zork"}], "utterance": "play zork"}, "context": {"target": null}}
06:22:08.860 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "play_zork"}, "context": null}
06:22:08.924 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"expect_response": true, "utterance": "\nWest of House\nYou are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded\nfront door.\nThere is a small mailbox here.\n\n"}, "context": null}
06:22:08.954 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "play_zork"}, "context": null}
06:22:09.042 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_start", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:09.058 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:22:09.088 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:09.124 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:19.214 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:19.220 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:22:19.250 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:19.283 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:19.392 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_begin", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:19.404 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:22:19.426 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:19.454 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:21.456 - mycroft.skills.settings:_send_settings_meta:194 - ERROR - HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)
06:22:21.463 - mycroft.skills.settings:_save_hash:320 - INFO - saving hash skill-weather-4b13c25674093089cb0422992628aa92
06:22:22.240 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:22.248 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:22:22.303 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:22.320 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:22.334 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:wakeword", "data": {"session": "943ab0ce-de73-4b21-b7ed-5de4dd40acc4", "utterance": "hey victoria"}, "context": null}
06:22:27.946 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:utterance", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "utterances": ["open mailbox"]}, "context": null}
06:22:27.973 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": ["open mailbox"]}, "context": null}
06:22:28.010 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"expect_response": true, "utterance": " ialready op West fous     ef se              re:      Mes:0\n\nIis readop.\n"}, "context": null}
06:22:28.043 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "play_zork"}, "context": null}
06:22:29.735 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_start", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:29.747 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:22:29.772 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:29.816 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:30.034 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.speech.recognition.unknown", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:30.085 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": null}, "context": null}
06:22:30.103 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": false}, "context": null}
06:22:30.214 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "intent_failure", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "utterance": "open mailbox"}, "context": null}
06:22:30.227 - mycroft.skills.padatious_service:handle_fallback:101 - DEBUG - Padatious fallback attempt: open mailbox
06:22:30.252 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "fallback"}, "context": null}
06:22:30.263 - WolframAlphaSkill - DEBUG - WolframAlpha fallback attempt: open mailbox
06:22:30.268 - WolframAlphaSkill - DEBUG - Non-question, ignoring: open mailbox
06:22:30.307 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"expect_response": false, "utterance": "I don't know what that means."}, "context": null}
06:22:30.351 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "fallback", "fallback_handler": "UnknownSkill.handle_fallback"}, "context": null}
06:22:35.797 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "enclosure.eyes.blink", "data": {"side": "b"}, "context": null}
06:22:35.842 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "enclosure.eyes.blink", "data": {"side": "b"}, "context": null}
06:22:37.934 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:37.944 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:22:37.968 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:38.005 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:38.049 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_begin", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:38.057 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:22:38.099 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:38.113 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:40.883 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:40.896 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:22:40.922 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:40.949 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:40.975 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:wakeword", "data": {"session": "943ab0ce-de73-4b21-b7ed-5de4dd40acc4", "utterance": "hey victoria"}, "context": null}
06:22:47.602 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.speech.recognition.unknown", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:47.642 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": null}, "context": null}
06:22:47.671 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": false}, "context": null}
06:22:51.841 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:utterance", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "utterances": ["open mailbox"]}, "context": null}
06:22:51.913 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": ["open mailbox"]}, "context": null}
06:22:51.963 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"expect_response": true, "utterance": "Its rey en\n\n"}, "context": null}
06:22:52.000 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": true}, "context": null}
06:22:53.568 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "enclosure.eyes.blink", "data": {"side": "b"}, "context": null}
06:22:53.591 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_start", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:53.601 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:22:53.640 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:53.688 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:54.875 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:54.886 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:22:54.913 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:54.943 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:55.038 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_begin", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:55.049 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:22:55.070 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:55.109 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:57.975 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:22:57.987 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:22:58.012 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:58.044 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:22:58.082 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:wakeword", "data": {"session": "943ab0ce-de73-4b21-b7ed-5de4dd40acc4", "utterance": "hey victoria"}, "context": null}
06:23:03.235 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.speech.recognition.unknown", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:23:03.262 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": null}, "context": null}
06:23:03.287 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": false}, "context": null}
06:23:08.439 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for StreamingRadioSkill
06:23:08.451 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:23:10.284 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:23:21.474 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for WeatherSkill
06:23:21.486 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:23:24.011 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:23:24.078 - mycroft.skills.settings:_upload_meta:277 - INFO - sending settingsmeta.json for WeatherSkill to servers
06:23:24.108 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:23:40.348 - mycroft.skills.settings:_send_settings_meta:194 - ERROR - HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)
06:23:40.355 - mycroft.skills.settings:_save_hash:320 - INFO - saving hash skill-weather-4b13c25674093089cb0422992628aa92
06:24:10.324 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for StreamingRadioSkill
06:24:10.337 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:24:11.970 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:24:40.368 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for WeatherSkill
06:24:40.381 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:24:41.941 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:24:41.985 - mycroft.skills.settings:_upload_meta:277 - INFO - sending settingsmeta.json for WeatherSkill to servers
06:24:42.003 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:24:58.155 - mycroft.skills.settings:_send_settings_meta:194 - ERROR - HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)
06:24:58.162 - mycroft.skills.settings:_save_hash:320 - INFO - saving hash skill-weather-4b13c25674093089cb0422992628aa92
06:25:12.025 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for StreamingRadioSkill
06:25:12.041 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:25:13.808 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:25:32.775 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:utterance", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "utterances": ["take leaflet"]}, "context": null}
06:25:32.807 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": ["take leaflet"]}, "context": null}
06:25:32.849 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"expect_response": true, "utterance": "            re0    Mos:1\n ialadop. et!\n\n"}, "context": null}
06:25:32.894 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": true}, "context": null}
06:25:34.351 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_start", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:25:34.372 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:25:34.410 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:34.444 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:37.294 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:25:37.301 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:25:37.329 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:37.363 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:37.487 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_begin", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:25:37.493 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:25:37.516 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:37.557 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:40.347 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:25:40.362 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:25:40.408 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:40.443 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:40.460 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:wakeword", "data": {"session": "943ab0ce-de73-4b21-b7ed-5de4dd40acc4", "utterance": "hey victoria"}, "context": null}
06:25:49.266 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.speech.recognition.unknown", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:25:49.298 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": null}, "context": null}
06:25:49.338 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": false}, "context": null}
06:25:51.817 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:utterance", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "utterances": ["read leaflet"]}, "context": null}
06:25:51.852 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": ["read leaflet"]}, "context": null}
06:25:51.898 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"expect_response": true, "utterance": "elo se theosaminerto er en  mta. \ncpu should be without one!\"\n\n"}, "context": null}
06:25:51.936 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": true}, "context": null}
06:25:53.648 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "enclosure.eyes.blink", "data": {"side": "b"}, "context": null}
06:25:53.677 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_start", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:25:53.690 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:25:53.715 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:53.754 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:58.173 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for WeatherSkill
06:25:58.204 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:25:59.844 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:25:59.854 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:25:59.890 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:25:59.926 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:59.950 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:25:59.953 - mycroft.skills.settings:_upload_meta:277 - INFO - sending settingsmeta.json for WeatherSkill to servers
06:25:59.968 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:26:00.071 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_begin", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:26:00.080 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:26:00.223 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:26:00.254 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:26:02.912 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:26:02.931 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:26:02.948 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:26:02.984 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:wakeword", "data": {"session": "943ab0ce-de73-4b21-b7ed-5de4dd40acc4", "utterance": "hey victoria"}, "context": null}
06:26:03.001 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:26:10.062 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.speech.recognition.unknown", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:26:10.099 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": null}, "context": null}
06:26:10.131 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": false}, "context": null}
06:26:13.875 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for StreamingRadioSkill
06:26:13.887 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:26:15.687 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:26:16.010 - mycroft.skills.settings:_send_settings_meta:194 - ERROR - HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)
06:26:16.022 - mycroft.skills.settings:_save_hash:320 - INFO - saving hash skill-weather-4b13c25674093089cb0422992628aa92
06:27:13.924 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:utterance", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "utterances": ["east"]}, "context": null}
06:27:13.954 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": ["east"]}, "context": null}
06:27:13.998 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"expect_response": true, "utterance": "\nYou already have tha West of House                               Score: 0        Moves: 13\n\n\"WELCOME TO ZORK!\n\nZORK is daeralocuing. n iyoullxpreomof  mt azg triryvesebyorlsNoomter Wf H         Score: 0        Moves: 14\n\nThe door is bds.\n\n"}, "context": null}
06:27:14.042 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": true}, "context": null}
06:27:15.736 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for StreamingRadioSkill
06:27:15.754 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:27:16.035 - mycroft.skills.settings:_request_my_settings:418 - INFO - getting skill settings from server for WeatherSkill
06:27:16.047 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:27:17.605 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:27:17.658 - mycroft.skills.settings:_upload_meta:277 - INFO - sending settingsmeta.json for WeatherSkill to servers
06:27:17.679 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
06:27:17.734 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /v1/device/c4c055f3-1610-4ac0-9f82-f14209b9208e/skill HTTP/1.1" 200 4394
06:27:21.644 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_start", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:27:21.650 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:27:21.675 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:21.732 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:33.797 - mycroft.skills.settings:_send_settings_meta:194 - ERROR - HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)
06:27:33.809 - mycroft.skills.settings:_save_hash:320 - INFO - saving hash skill-weather-4b13c25674093089cb0422992628aa92
06:27:41.033 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:audio_output_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:27:41.056 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:27:41.076 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "enclosure.eyes.blink", "data": {"side": "b"}, "context": null}
06:27:41.092 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:41.123 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:41.238 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_begin", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:27:41.255 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Lowering volume.
06:27:41.280 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:41.325 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.lower_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:44.128 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:record_end", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:27:44.149 - skill-mopidy-local - INFO - Mopidy: Restoring volume.
06:27:44.175 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.start", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:44.214 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.skill.handler.complete", "data": {"handler": "Mopidy Local Skill.restore_volume"}, "context": null}
06:27:44.227 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:wakeword", "data": {"session": "943ab0ce-de73-4b21-b7ed-5de4dd40acc4", "utterance": "hey victoria"}, "context": null}
06:27:51.445 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "mycroft.speech.recognition.unknown", "data": {}, "context": null}
06:27:51.478 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.request", "data": {"lang": "en-us", "skill_id": -334948055, "utterances": null}, "context": null}
06:27:51.545 - SKILLS - DEBUG - {"type": "skill.converse.response", "data": {"skill_id": -334948055, "result": false}, "context": null}
forslund commented 6 years ago

Does this happen always or is it once in a while?

aussieW commented 6 years ago

Seems to happen all the time now since I updated to the latest version. Never saw it at all before updating.

forslund commented 6 years ago

Can't quite reproduce but the log should give some clues. Seems like the stdout from frotz get's scrambled for some reason.

Did you do a complete reinstall or was it a standard upgrade by mycroft?

aussieW commented 6 years ago

I tried to use MSM to update it, but it didn't work. So I deleted the directory and reinstalled.

Another interesting thing is that the error I reported above is on a picroft. Ok my mark1 (homemade mark1) it just doesn't work at all. Can't remember the error of the top of my head.

forslund commented 6 years ago

The install script makes some assumptions about the installed packages on the device (all should be available on the mark-1 image). I'll see if I can improve that some.

Thanks for the updated information. I'll do a complete reinstall and see what I can find.

forslund commented 6 years ago

Hi, I noticed something that might be related to at least one of your issues. MSM fails to install the data files and frotz when executed by the pi user. The skill gets installed but not the z-machine interpreter.

To install you should do sudo su mycroft before installing with msm

aussieW commented 6 years ago

Thanks, that fixed the problem.