forsyde / IDeSyDe

Design space identification and exploration
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adds hw impl area irule for instrhwbehavior #26

Closed BeethovenKodar closed 5 months ago

BeethovenKodar commented 5 months ago

Adds a new identification rule and the corresponding decision model to capture the area required by an actor (InstrumentedHardwareBehavior).

Question: part() just returns the empty set, is that ok?

Rojods commented 5 months ago

part() being empty may introduce some hard-to-trace unwanted behaviours later if we have multiple decision models partially identifying the same set of elements, but for a starter decision model it is OK! I think it can be fixed somewhat easily. So it is likely okay!

Also, you are not trying to merge your contributions to the main branches master or develop, so you don't completely need my approval on this! Though I appreciate that you use this here to log your progress!

BeethovenKodar commented 5 months ago

It's both for keeping track of what has been done in IDeSyDe for the step-by-step documentation I will provide in the appendix and also for you to have some input if you feel it's needed. Like you just had about the "ideal decision model" ;)