forsythetony / CollegeComparison

An iOS application built for Team-Based Mobile Device Application Development (INFOTC 4500) in fall semester of 2013.
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Slide to compare feature #40

Open maurahoward opened 10 years ago

maurahoward commented 10 years ago

To accommodate for the panel and stay current with iOS 5, I think we should implement the slide feature on the results page. And then if we're doing the slide feature, I think we may as well put the option to bookmark via the results page too. This way a user can bookmark a college and come back to it later and see that college's details. And then this design feature is very similar to how the iPhone's email app works too -- once a user slides, the panel icon turns into the word "compare."

Here are two storyboards -- one staying with our current design and another utilizing a blurred background image (wouldn't be that one; we would need to get another photo). I think the background image\ on the results page makes it a little more visually interesting/pretty. I've seen other apps use a blurred background image, but never for a long list of results.

Anyway, we talk about this more next time we meet. For now just implement the slide feature if/when you get a chance.

screen shot 2014-01-21 at 11 04 29 pm screen shot 2014-01-21 at 11 04 48 pm

maurahoward commented 10 years ago

Oh and then the colleges that are highlighted in gray are the ones that have been selected to be compared.

JMV2112 commented 10 years ago

what about the search bar on the results page?

Thanks, Josh Valdivieso

Bachelor of Science: Information Technology, 2014 Minor: Computer Science and Psychology University of Missouri - Columbia Mobile: 816-517-0648

From: maurahoward Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 11:06 PM To: forsythetony/CollegeComparison Subject: Re: [CollegeComparison] Slide to compare feature (#40)

Oh and then the colleges that are highlighted in gray are the ones that have been selected to be compared.

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maurahoward commented 10 years ago

What do you think about putting the search bar in the panel? That's what the Facebook app does, and that way users can search for a specific college no matter what page they're on.

forsythetony commented 10 years ago

I think that'd be a good idea. Just a general "Search Colleges" function that would return the detail page for that college.

forsythetony commented 10 years ago

Also, I still think that the "x Colleges Returned" header shouldn't follow the user down the page. I don't think the user will care all that much about it and even if they do they only have to see it once, it shouldn't be taking up screen real estate wherever the user goes.

maurahoward commented 10 years ago

I agree.

forsythetony commented 10 years ago


forsythetony commented 10 years ago

Been working on it.

forsythetony commented 10 years ago

So this is the compare function.


forsythetony commented 10 years ago
And here's an example of what bookmarking might look like


maurahoward commented 10 years ago

That looks awesome! I like that the compared college turns that coral color and I like the popup notification as well -- looks really good!

The only tweaks I would have is to change the bookmark color to either a lighter shade or the blue we've used a few times. Icons may also look better than words, but that could be too confusing for the user. Once we have three lines for each result box, I think it will look more balanced too.

Also, keep your eye out for a code that could implement bookmark folders when a user wanted to bookmark a college. If we did folders, we could just keep the notification box you have now, and the folder box would come before it.

forsythetony commented 10 years ago

Alright these are the colors I'm using now. If you could get me the hex code for that blue we we're using I'll throw it in there. Currently I'm using the colors on this page so if there are any you want to use let me know because it makes the whole process super easy and they're not bad looking. But again, a hex code would be just as easy.


maurahoward commented 10 years ago

Looks great! Try using this color for the blue -- #69AEEF

maurahoward commented 10 years ago

This is off topic from the current thread, but quick question: how hard would it be to do a font change? Would it be easy for me to mess with the fonts in my own branch and then implement if I got it to work?

forsythetony commented 10 years ago

I've just pushed some changes up that should make configuring the layout pretty easy. Currently in both CCPanelViewViewController.m and FilteredCollegesViewController.m, the files that handle the panel view and search results view respectively, you'll see a function at the bottom called -(void)aestheticsConfiguration which makes it pretty easy to modify the fonts, colors, and padding around various labels and views. Pull down the latest code, make a new branch and play around with it. I'll try to add it to more view controllers and if there's any other setting you'd want to mess around with let me know and I might be able to add it in there.

    //The View's background color

        UIColor *mainViewBackgroundColor    =   [UIColor whiteColor];

    //Table view background configuration.

        UIColor *panelViewBackgroundColor   =   [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"pixel_weave.png"]];

    //The color for the seperator lines between cells

        UIColor *separatorLineColor         =   [UIColor black50PercentColor];

    //Panel View Header Configuration

        UIColor *headerViewBackgroundColor  =   [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.15 alpha:1.0];

        UIColor *headerLabelBackgroundColor =   [UIColor yellowColor];

        UIColor *colorForHeaderText         =   CORALCOLOR;

        NSString *fontNameForHeaderText     =   @"Avenir-Heavy";
        float fontSizeForHeaderText         =   20.0;

        //Configure padding for header label

    //Panel view cell configuration

        UIColor *cellBackgroundColor        =   [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.2 alpha:1.0];

        UIColor *cellLabelBackgroundColor   =   [UIColor yellowColor];

        UIColor *colorForCellText           =   CORALCOLOR;

        NSString *fontNameForCellText       =   @"Avenir-Heavy";
        float fontSizeForCellText           =   20.0;

        //Configure padding for header and cell

        float headerLeftPadding             =   5.0;
        float headerBottomPadding           =   -3.0;
        float headerWidth                   =   200.0;
        float headerHeight                  =   30.0;

        float cellLeftPadding               =   7.0;
        float cellBottomPadding             =   7.0;
        float cellWidth                     =   200.0;
        float cellHeight                    =   30.0;

    //Panel view configuration

        //Set the width of the panel

        float panelWidth                    =   150.0;

        //Set the Displacement

        float panelDisplacement             =   0.0;

        //Set the overdraw

        float panelOverdraw                 =   40.0;

        //Set the time duration (in seconds) for the toggle close animation

        float toggleCloseAnimationDuration  =   0.18;

        //Should the panel bounce back on left overdraw?

        BOOL bounceBackOnLeftOverdraw = NO;


    NSArray *colorsKeys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                                                   @"cLabelBackground", nil];

    NSArray *colorsObjects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                                                      [UIFont fontWithName:fontNameForHeaderText size:fontSizeForHeaderText],
                                                      [UIFont fontWithName:fontNameForCellText size:fontSizeForCellText],
                                                      cellLabelBackgroundColor, nil];

    CGRect cPad = CGRectMake(cellLeftPadding, cellBottomPadding, cellWidth, cellHeight);

    CGRect hPad = CGRectMake(headerLeftPadding, headerBottomPadding, headerWidth, headerHeight);

    NSDictionary *colorsDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:colorsObjects forKeys:colorsKeys];

    NSDictionary *paddingDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                                                                   [NSValue valueWithCGRect:cPad],
                                                                                   [NSValue valueWithCGRect:hPad],
                                                                                   @"hPadding", nil];

    theLook = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                                           @"padding", nil];

    [self.revealViewController setRightViewController:self];
    self.revealViewController.rightViewRevealWidth = panelWidth;

    self.revealViewController.rightViewRevealDisplacement = panelDisplacement;
    self.revealViewController.rightViewRevealOverdraw = panelOverdraw;
    self.revealViewController.bounceBackOnLeftOverdraw = bounceBackOnLeftOverdraw;
    self.revealViewController.toggleCloseAnimationDuration = toggleCloseAnimationDuration;

    self.view.backgroundColor = mainViewBackgroundColor;
    self.tableView.backgroundColor = panelViewBackgroundColor;
    self.tableView.separatorColor = separatorLineColor;
forsythetony commented 10 years ago

A couple sites you might find useful

UIColor *newBackgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"MaurasTexture.png"]]
forsythetony commented 10 years ago

Just added the function to CCAppDelegate.m which is where you'd wanna go if you want to change the color and font of the Navigation bar.

forsythetony commented 10 years ago

Just added it to CCBookmarksPage.m

maurahoward commented 10 years ago

Awesome, thank you for looking into/adding all of that! I have a really busy week this week, but will start looking at those functions and working with them ASAP -- probably this weekend.