fortesp / bitcoinaddress

Bitcoin Wallet Address Generator
MIT License
144 stars 51 forks source link

Why all generated address in range 00 and how to change range to 0000 #17

Open crypto000707 opened 3 years ago

crypto000707 commented 3 years ago

Could you help me please Why all generated address hex start with 00? How to change it to start for example 0000 or 000000 I tried to to change key, address, key, seed but no success for making this change Hex 160:

00C32DE061453296E71E9E9E9D5636E7E7FEE272C7 00BB9EB37303709E92C7D121F8751ECD97B5D407EB 00DFD584C7534C1B8E0BB41AF2C64DC2EE479A7895


1Jo1ixjbSN9nzdavauqFNCsNPMBxANyErF 1J73UcLXkeTYXDq9qycDMwwUf1EVbNgh8Y 1MQXUKHP29jVBq6rrmiQzKv6w1kfcBWtdE

Thank you

rusproject commented 1 year ago

Is 0000 (0x00) mainnet byte, which is mandatory for every bitcoin address?