fortify / fcli

fcli is a command-line utility for interacting with various Fortify products
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Filtering on non-existing fields does not throw an error #374

Closed psmf22 closed 11 months ago

psmf22 commented 12 months ago

When trying to filter on non-existing fields there should be an error or at least a warning. Especially when the comparison is part of a multi-condition filter this can easily lead to confusion.

Example: Single Condition (not too bad):

.\fcli.exe util sample-data list -q "boolValue==true" No data

Multiple Conditions:

.\fcli.exe util sample-data list -q "boolValue==true || stringValue=='value1'" Id String value Long value Double value Boolean value Date value Date time value Nested object string value Nested object boolean value Nested string aray 0 value1 1000 0.7 true 2000-01-01 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 nestedObjectValue1 true nestedArrayValue3, nestedArrayValue4 1 value1 1000 0.7 true 2000-01-01 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 nestedObjectValue1 true N/A ...

In my case I was trying to filter on "booleanValue" using "boolValue" and it took us a while to figure out. Having an error message would be useful.

rsenden commented 12 months ago

SpEL evaluation context responsible for evaluating expressions on JSON objects is configured at JsonHelper::createSpelEvaluationContext. This evaluation context uses JsonPropertyAccessor (standard Spring integration class, but we have our own copy in the fcli-common project) for accessing JSON properties.

It looks like JsonPropertyAccessor::canRead always returns true if the target is JsonNode (with one additional condition in case of an ArrayNode, which is not applicable for this issue). Also, the JsonPropertyAccessor::read method simply returns node.get(name) (without calling node.has(name) to check whether the property actually exists), which returns null if either the property doesn't exist, or if it does exist but has a null value.

To resolve this issue, we'd likely need to modify either one or both of the JsonPropertyAccessor methods mentioned above to return false or throw an exception if the property doesn't exist, based on the return value of node.has(name).

Some considerations: