fortify / fcli

fcli is a command-line utility for interacting with various Fortify products
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FoD: Improve consistency for specifying microservice releases #387

Closed rsenden closed 11 months ago

rsenden commented 11 months ago

Consider the following commands when working with microservices:

fod app create app1 --type Microservice --release r1 --microservice ms1 ...
fod release create app1:r2 --microservice ms1 ...
fod release update app1:r2 --microservice ms1 ...

With navigation structure being app->microservice->release in FoD, thus releases being children of microservices, the app1:r2 notation in the release create/update commands isn't very intuitive as there's no direct relation between app1 and r2; there may even be multiple r2 in app1 under different microservices.

It would be more intuitive and consistent to have either one of the following:

Option 1:

fod app create app1 --type Microservice --release r1 --microservice ms1 ...
fod release create r2 --app app1 --microservice ms1 ...
fod release update r2 --app app1 --microservice ms1 ...

Option 2:

fod app create app1 --type Microservice --release ms1:r1 ...
fod release create app1:ms1:r2 ...
fod release update app1:ms1:r2 ...

Option 1:

Option 2:

rsenden commented 11 months ago

This has now been consistently implemented, based on option 2 mentioned in previous comment.