fortify / fcli

fcli is a command-line utility for interacting with various Fortify products
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SSC: `Access Denied` error if non-existing appversion id specified #448

Open rsenden opened 1 year ago

rsenden commented 1 year ago

Virtually all fcli commands that accept an application version id as input generate an incorrect error if a non-existing application version id is specified, for example:

$ ./fcli ssc issue count --appversion 3
Request: GET
Response: 403
Response Body:
{"message":"Access Denied. One of these permissions are required to complete this action: [Generate reports, View application versions], or user does not have access to specified entity.","responseCode":403,"errorCode":-10301}

This error is misleading as there's nothing wrong with permissions, but unfortunately it's SSC that returns this incorrect response. There's nothing we can do in fcli to generate a more appropriate 'not found' error, as we can't identify whether this incorrect SSC response was caused by a non-existing id or an actual permission error.

Potentially, if SSC returns a 403 error on this particular endpoint, we could inform the user that this error is caused by either non-existing id or actual permission error, or we could have a troubleshooting section in the documentation that explains this.