fortify / fcli

fcli is a command-line utility for interacting with various Fortify products
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`fcli fod` new commands for managing API Keys #641

Open kadraman opened 5 days ago

kadraman commented 5 days ago

Enhancement Request

The following API endpoints have been added for managing API keys:

GET /api/v3/api-keys (return a list of API keys)
POST /api/v3/api-keys (create a new API key)
DELETE /api/v3/api-keys/{apiKeyId} (delete an API key)
GET /api/v3/api-keys/{apiKeyId} (return details of an API key)
PUT /api/v3/api-keys/{apiKeyId} (update an API key)
POST /api/v3/api-keys/{apiKeyId}/newsecret (create a new secret for an existing API key)
GET /api/v3/api-keys/{apiKeyId}/application-access (return a list of applications assigned to an API key)

it would be good to have fcli sub-commands for managing this.

rsenden commented 5 days ago

Any fcli commands covering these endpoints should probably go into fcli fod access-control.