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Replace FortifyVulnerabilityExporter with fcli #37

Open rsenden opened 1 month ago

rsenden commented 1 month ago

Enhancement Request

Now that fcli provides support for exporting vulnerability data through the various *-report actions, and with the upcoming deprecation of FortifyVulnerabilityExporter (FVE), we should replace FortifyVulnerabilityExporter invocations with fcli fod/ssc action run github-sast-report invocations.

This should be mostly a drop-in replacement, although session management might be a complicating factor. With FVE, we simply passed SSC credentials, whereas with fcli, we need to run a session login command before we can run the action run command. Question is how to best handle the SSC/FoD session, also taking into account that the ssc-export/fod-export actions may either be used directly from a user workflow, or invoked as part of the composite fod-sast-scan or sc-sast-scan actions.

If used as a stand-alone action, the *-export actions would be responsible for running the session login and session logout commands, but when used from within the *-scan composite actions, we'd likely want to reuse the session set up by that composite action (note that the sc-sast-scan action currently doesn't set up an SSC session, but it will need to do so for other enhancements like running a check-policy action).

So, we'll need to implement some approach that allows the *-export actions (or ideally the appropriate *-login/*-logout actions) detect whether a session already exists, and then re-use that session instead of creating a new session. Obviously, when implementing this in the *-login/*-logout actions, we'd need to ensure that logout is only invoked once all sub-actions have completed, i.e., the fod-export action shouldn't log out of a session created by the fod-sast-scan action. We could keep track of the number of times that the login/logout actions have been invoked, or maybe somehow detect and store which caller (workflow/composite action) was responsible for running the login command, and only run the logout command when being called from the same caller.