fortinet-ansible-dev / ansible-galaxy-fortios-collection

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Collection 2.3.4 incompatibility with FortiOS 7.0.13 #280

Closed jantari closed 3 months ago

jantari commented 7 months ago


haven't had to open an issue in a while - thanks a lot for the fanstastic work on this collection and the help in the past, I love it!

I have noticed after updating the ansible collection from 2.3.2 to 2.3.4 I have a compatibility issue in fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface with FortiOS 7.0.13 (probably other versions too like 7.2.x etc.)

I set the monitor setting on some phase1-interfaces, with the FortiOS collection v2.3.2 it worked like this:

- name: IPSec VPN Phase 1
    vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
    access_token: "{{ fortios_access_token | default(omit) }}"
    state: present
      name: 'VPN-wan2'
      interface: wan2
      keylife: 28800
      peertype: peergrp
      peergrp: vpn-peer <VERY_SECRET> Certs
      net_device: disable
      ike_version: '2'
        - 21
        - aes256-sha256
      auto_negotiate: enable
      comments: Internal Site-to-Site VPN to <VERY_SECRET>
      remote_gw: # <REDACTED PUBLIC IP>
      tunnel_search: nexthop
      exchange_interface_ip: disable
      authmethod: signature
      monitor: 'VPN-wan1'
        - name: '{{ location_short_name }} VPN Spoke'

but with FortiOS collection 2.3.4 this throws the error:

msg: dictionary requested, could not parse JSON or key=value

I checked the latest docs, and the new syntax for monitor is:

    - name: <NAME>

so I tried that:

- name: IPSec VPN Phase 1
    vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
    access_token: "{{ fortios_access_token | default(omit) }}"
    state: present
      name: 'VPN-wan2'
      interface: wan2
      keylife: 28800
      peertype: peergrp
      peergrp: vpn-peer <VERY_SECRET> Certs
      net_device: disable
      ike_version: '2'
        - 21
        - aes256-sha256
      auto_negotiate: enable
      comments: Internal Site-to-Site VPN to <VERY_SECRET>
      remote_gw: # <REDACTED PUBLIC IP>
      tunnel_search: nexthop
      exchange_interface_ip: disable
      authmethod: signature
        - name: 'VPN-wan1'
        - name: '{{ location_short_name }} VPN Spoke'

but this throws the error:

  msg: Error in repo
    matched: false
    - option not supported since v6.0.0, before v7.4.1
    system_version: v7.0.13

so I believe I have to downgrade to 2.3.2 again for now and with 2.3.4+ it is impossible to configure a monitor on a FortiOS 7.0.x firewall? Because neither the old nor the new syntax will work.

Thanks a lot!

MaxxLiu22 commented 7 months ago

Hi @fgtdev-hblu ,

Thank you for raising this issue, I can reproduce this, I have reported it to the development team and will let you know if there is any update.

Thanks, Maxx

JieX19 commented 7 months ago

Hi @jantari

I've reproduced the issue and found the root cause. The data type is changed from string to dict, but the backend still accepts string. We will fix the issue in the next release.

Thanks, Jie

JieX19 commented 4 months ago

Hi @jantari,

Can you please upgrade the firmware to 7.4.1 and ansible collection to 2.3.5 and try the second playbook again? It works well on my side now.

jantari commented 4 months ago


I have retried with collection v2.3.5 and FortiOS 7.0.14 - we cannot switch to 7.4.1 yet because it is not a mature release, and officially not recommended.

collection v2.3.5 with old syntax

- name: IPSec VPN Phase 1
    vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
    access_token: "{{ fortios_access_token | default(omit) }}"
    state: present
      monitor: 'VPN-wan1'

I still get the error:

msg: dictionary requested, could not parse JSON or key=value

collection v2.3.5 with new syntax

- name: IPSec VPN Phase 1
    vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
    access_token: "{{ fortios_access_token | default(omit) }}"
    state: present
        - name: 'VPN-wan1'

I now get the error:

  msg: Error in repo
    matched: false
    - option Supported version ranges are v7.4.1 -> latest
    system_version: v7.0.14
JieX19 commented 4 months ago

Hi @jantari

The reason is that the data type of "monitor" is changed to list from 7.4.1, and we did not catch it. so the workaround is to upgrade your firmware to 7.4.1 and use the latest Ansible collection 2.3.5, it will resolve the issue.

7.4.1 is already officially released and you can upgrade the fos firmware from GUI, it shows all the supported versions.

We will fix the issue to make the param compatible with both old and new versions.

jantari commented 4 months ago

We will fix the issue to make the param compatible with both old and new versions.

Thank you, looking forward to it.

JieX19 commented 3 months ago

Hi @jantari

Please install the latest version 2.3.6 and try this module again. I'll close this ticket at the moment because the issue is fixed in this version already. Feel free to reopen it if you still experience the same issue.

Thanks, Jie