Implement the plugin's startup code so that it won't ever crash if some of Xcode's private methods' signatures change (using -respondsToSelector:) for the same compatibility identifier. Optionally display an error message if appropriate to indicate that something went wrong with the plugin.
Crashing when triggering some specific XcodeBoost feature is alright, though; makes it clear that XcodeBoost is to blame and what specific feature needs to be fixed.
Implement the plugin's startup code so that it won't ever crash if some of Xcode's private methods' signatures change (using -respondsToSelector:) for the same compatibility identifier. Optionally display an error message if appropriate to indicate that something went wrong with the plugin.
Crashing when triggering some specific XcodeBoost feature is alright, though; makes it clear that XcodeBoost is to blame and what specific feature needs to be fixed.