fortmeier / weltfrieden

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Roadmap #8

Open lennart opened 8 years ago

lennart commented 8 years ago

a small update on the progress on this project:

I did roughly two or three iterations of this project up to now with different results, in random order I implemented the following:

I added the haskell project onto github but I guess it's of no use right now, as I haven't settled on a Way to go with the interface from within tidal itself, yet.

The separation of layers into types wasn't a good idea, as the mental overhead of having to handle visuals and maybe audio (dirt/midi) will be giving you a headache anyway, so having to deal with separate streams for text, scribbling and background shaders will likely make your head explode…

Right now I am thinking of reducing this to just a single stream, like dirt does, and have scribbling and text be hidden behind params (like vowel, cutoff/resonance and others in dirt).

I guess I'll be removing text rendering for now and merge everything that works into master and release a bare-metal haskell package.

Conceptually text rendering makes me think of masking a background shader-layer by the text, in case of the rainbow effect this could create rainbow text…

Scribbling is something I'd like to think of as the loop input within tidal, I want to try out if one can constantly add vertices at the cursor position to a vertex buffer object (and loop over when it's full) and use the vertex input instead of the standard quad and have it passed to whatever shader you are currently using. I am actually quite anxious to see what this will look like and was thinking about allowing one to change the primitive type to be drawn, e.g. lines, triangles, polygons points. I prefer this variant over the framebuffer version as it would allow more control over the drawn scene, e.g. even apply different vertex shaders to the drawn vertices to achieve displacement mapping and so on.

Regarding support for older hardware, I try to target Desktop OpenGL 3.3+ and OpenGL ES 2+ (Raspberry Pi 2). I don't think anything below makes any sense.