fortra / impacket

Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
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How is this possible? nt system shell without writable shares #346

Closed Alamot closed 6 years ago

Alamot commented 6 years ago

A simple user (Local Group Memberships, Remote Desktop Users, Global Group memberships Domain Users) with no permission to write in any shares, got nt system shell:

>  -u ****** -p ************ -H *****************
[+] Finding open SMB ports....
[+] User SMB session establishd on *************..
[+] IP: *************:445   Name: ***************                              
    Disk                                                    Permissions
    ----                                                    -----------
    ADMIN$                                              NO ACCESS
    C$                                                      NO ACCESS
    IPC$                                                    NO ACCESS
    NETLOGON                                            READ ONLY
    SYSVOL                                              READ ONLY
> *****:*****************@**********
Impacket v0.9.15 - Copyright 2002-2016 Core Security Technologies

[*] Trying protocol 445/SMB...

[*] Requesting shares on ***********.....
[-] share 'ADMIN$' is not writable.
[-] share 'C$' is not writable.
[-] share 'NETLOGON' is not writable.
[-] share 'SYSVOL' is not writable.
[*] Uploading file tQDHbKwq.exe 
[-] Error uploading file tQDHbKwq.exe, aborting.....
[-] Error performing the installation, cleaning up: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[!] Press help for extra shell commands
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

nt authority\system


Host Name:                ********
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 
OS Version:                6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration:          Primary Domain Controller
OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner:          Windows User
Registered Organization:   
Product ID:                55041-507-9857321-84544
Original Install Date:     9/1/2017, 1:39:12 AM
System Boot Time:          11/13/2017, 4:29:07 AM
System Manufacturer:       VMware, Inc.
System Model:              VMware Virtual Platform
System Type:               x64-based PC
Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.
                           [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 79 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~2100 Mhz
BIOS Version:              Phoenix Technologies LTD 6.00, 4/5/2016
Windows Directory:         C:\Windows
System Directory:          C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device:               \Device\HarddiskVolume1
System Locale:             en-us;English (United States)
Input Locale:              en-us;English (United States)
Time Zone:                 (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Total Physical Memory:     2,048 MB
Available Physical Memory: 838 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size:  4,095 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 2,766 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use:    1,329 MB
Page File Location(s):     C:\pagefile.sys
Domain:                    ************
Logon Server:              N/A
Hotfix(s):                 108 Hotfix(s) Installed.
                           [01]: KB2506212
                           [02]: KB2509553
                           [03]: KB2560656
                           [04]: KB2564958
                           [05]: KB2585542
                           [06]: KB2604115
                           [07]: KB2620704
                           [08]: KB2621440
                           [09]: KB2643719
                           [10]: KB2653956
                           [11]: KB2654428
                           [12]: KB2656356
                           [13]: KB2667402
                           [14]: KB2685939
                           [15]: KB2690533
                           [16]: KB2698365
                           [17]: KB2705219
                           [18]: KB2729452
                           [19]: KB2736422
                           [20]: KB2742599
                           [21]: KB2758857
                           [22]: KB2765809
                           [23]: KB2770660
                           [24]: KB2789645
                           [25]: KB2807986
                           [26]: KB2813430
                           [27]: KB2840631
                           [28]: KB2853587
                           [29]: KB2861698
                           [30]: KB2862152
                           [31]: KB2862330
                           [32]: KB2862335
                           [33]: KB2864202> 
                           [37]: KB2892074
                           [38]: KB2893294
                           [39]: KB2894844
                           [40]: KB2911501
                           [41]: KB2931356
                           [42]: KB2937610
                           [43]: KB2943357
                           [44]: KB2968294
                           [45]: KB2972100
                           [46]: KB2972211
                           [47]: KB2973112
                           [48]: KB2973201
                           [49]: KB2973351
                           [50]: KB2977292
                           [51]: KB2978120
                           [52]: KB2984972
                           [53]: KB2991963
                           [54]: KB2992611
                           [55]: KB3000483
                           [56]: KB3003743
                           [57]: KB3004361
                           [58]: KB3004375
                           [59]: KB3010788
                           [60]: KB3018238
                           [61]: KB3019978
                           [62]: KB3021674
                           [63]: KB3022777
                           [64]: KB3023215
                           [65]: KB3030377
                           [66]: KB3031432
                           [67]: KB3035126
                           [68]: KB3035132
                           [69]: KB3037574
                           [70]: KB3045685
                           [71]: KB3046017
                           [72]: KB3046269
                           [73]: KB3055642
                           [74]: KB3059317
                           [75]: KB3060716
                           [76]: KB3068457
                           [77]: KB3071756
                           [78]: KB3072305
                           [79]: KB3074543
                           [80]: KB3075220
                           [81]: KB3076895
                           [82]: KB3078601
                           [83]: KB3084135
                           [84]: KB3086255
                           [85]: KB3092601
                           [86]: KB3097989
                           [87]: KB3101722
                           [88]: KB3108371
                           [89]: KB3108381
                           [90]: KB3108664
                           [91]: KB3109103
                           [92]: KB3109560
                           [93]: KB3110329
                           [94]: KB3122648
                           [95]: KB3126587
                           [96]: KB3127220
                           [97]: KB3133043
                           [98]: KB3139398
                           [99]: KB3139914
                           [100]: KB3156016
                           [101]: KB3156019
                           [102]: KB3159398
                           [103]: KB3161949
                           [104]: KB3161958
                           [105]: KB3170455
                           [106]: KB4014504
                           [107]: KB976902
                           [108]: KB4034664
Network Card(s):           1 NIC(s) Installed.
                           [01]: Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection
                                 Connection Name: Local Area Connection
                                 DHCP Enabled:    No
                                 IP address(es)
                                 [02]: fe80::65fb:8b4d:f395:d4ca
                                 [03]: dead:beef::65fb:8b4d:f395:d4ca

How is this possible?

asolino commented 6 years ago

Hey @Alamot:

Check this part of your report:

[-] Error uploading file tQDHbKwq.exe, aborting.....
[-] Error performing the installation, cleaning up: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

I think is connected to a previous RemComSvc instance that is still running in the target system.

Alamot commented 6 years ago

Yes. This happens after having performed a clean reset on the machine. That's why it's strange.

asolino commented 6 years ago

I don't think reboot will remove the target service.

Run: username:password@targetHost list

and see if you have a service running that has four random letter. Most probably the last one listed. If so, run also: username:password@targetHost config -name <serviceName>

That might help understanding what's going on.

Alamot commented 6 years ago
Impacket v0.9.15 - Copyright 2002-2016 Core Security Technologies

[*] Trying protocol 445/SMB...
[*] Listing services available on target
                      1394ohci -                                    1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller -  STOPPED
                          ACPI -                                                  Microsoft ACPI Driver -  RUNNING
                       AcpiPmi -                                                ACPI Power Meter Driver -  STOPPED
                       adp94xx -                                                                adp94xx -  STOPPED
                       adpahci -                                                                adpahci -  STOPPED
                       adpu320 -                                                                adpu320 -  STOPPED
                          ADWS -                                          Active Directory Web Services -  RUNNING
                   AeLookupSvc -                                                 Application Experience -  RUNNING
                           AFD -                                  Ancillary Function Driver for Winsock -  RUNNING
                        agp440 -                                                   Intel AGP Bus Filter -  STOPPED
                           ALG -                                      Application Layer Gateway Service -  STOPPED
                        aliide -                                                                 aliide -  STOPPED
                        amdide -                                                                 amdide -  STOPPED
                         AmdK8 -                                                AMD K8 Processor Driver -  STOPPED
                        AmdPPM -                                                   AMD Processor Driver -  STOPPED
                       amdsata -                                                                amdsata -  STOPPED
                        amdsbs -                                                                 amdsbs -  STOPPED
                       amdxata -                                                                amdxata -  RUNNING
                    AppHostSvc -                                        Application Host Helper Service -  RUNNING
                         AppID -                                                           AppID Driver -  STOPPED
                      AppIDSvc -                                                   Application Identity -  STOPPED
                       Appinfo -                                                Application Information -  STOPPED
                       AppMgmt -                                                 Application Management -  STOPPED
                           arc -                                                                    arc -  STOPPED
                        arcsas -                                                                 arcsas -  STOPPED
                  aspnet_state -                                                  ASP.NET State Service -  STOPPED
                      AsyncMac -                                          RAS Asynchronous Media Driver -  RUNNING
                         atapi -                                                            IDE Channel -  RUNNING
          AudioEndpointBuilder -                                         Windows Audio Endpoint Builder -  STOPPED
                      AudioSrv -                                                          Windows Audio -  STOPPED
                       b06bdrv -                                              Broadcom NetXtreme II VBD -  STOPPED
                      b57nd60a -                         Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet - NDIS 6.0 -  STOPPED
                          Beep -                                                                   Beep -  STOPPED
                           BFE -                                                  Base Filtering Engine -  RUNNING
                          BITS -                                Background Intelligent Transfer Service -  STOPPED
                      blbdrive -                                                               blbdrive -  RUNNING
                        bowser -                                                 Browser Support Driver -  RUNNING
                      BrFiltLo -                           Brother USB Mass-Storage Lower Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                      BrFiltUp -                           Brother USB Mass-Storage Upper Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                       Browser -                                                       Computer Browser -  STOPPED
                       Brserid -                         Brother MFC Serial Port Interface Driver (WDM) -  STOPPED
                      BrSerWdm -                                              Brother WDM Serial driver -  STOPPED
                      BrUsbMdm -                                         Brother MFC USB Fax Only Modem -  STOPPED
                      BrUsbSer -                                      Brother MFC USB Serial WDM Driver -  STOPPED
                          cdfs -                                              CD/DVD File System Reader -  STOPPED
                         cdrom -                                                          CD-ROM Driver -  RUNNING
                   CertPropSvc -                                                Certificate Propagation -  STOPPED
                          CLFS -                                                      Common Log (CLFS) -  RUNNING
clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 -                           Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86 -  STOPPED
clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64 -                           Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X64 -  STOPPED
clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32 -                           Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X86 -  STOPPED
clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64 -                           Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X64 -  STOPPED
                        CmBatt -                                            Microsoft AC Adapter Driver -  RUNNING
                        cmdide -                                                                 cmdide -  STOPPED
                           CNG -                                                                    CNG -  RUNNING
                      Compbatt -                                     Microsoft Composite Battery Driver -  RUNNING
                  CompositeBus -                                        Composite Bus Enumerator Driver -  RUNNING
                     COMSysApp -                                                COM+ System Application -  RUNNING
                       crcdisk -                                                  Crcdisk Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                      CryptSvc -                                                 Cryptographic Services -  RUNNING
                    DcomLaunch -                                           DCOM Server Process Launcher -  RUNNING
                     defragsvc -                                                      Disk Defragmenter -  STOPPED
                           Dfs -                                                          DFS Namespace -  RUNNING
                          DfsC -                                            DFS Namespace Client Driver -  RUNNING
                     DfsDriver -                                     DFS Namespace Server Filter Driver -  RUNNING
                          DFSR -                                                        DFS Replication -  RUNNING
                        DfsrRo -                                        DFS Replication ReadOnly Driver -  RUNNING
                          Dhcp -                                                            DHCP Client -  RUNNING
                     DiagTrack -                                           Diagnostics Tracking Service -  RUNNING
                      discache -                                                 System Attribute Cache -  RUNNING
                          Disk -                                                            Disk Driver -  RUNNING
                         dmvsc -                                                                  dmvsc -  STOPPED
                           DNS -                                                             DNS Server -  RUNNING
                      Dnscache -                                                             DNS Client -  RUNNING
                       dot3svc -                                                       Wired AutoConfig -  STOPPED
                           DPS -                                              Diagnostic Policy Service -  RUNNING
                       DXGKrnl -                                                LDDM Graphics Subsystem -  RUNNING
                         E1G60 -                                Intel(R) PRO/1000 NDIS 6 Adapter Driver -  RUNNING
                       EapHost -                                     Extensible Authentication Protocol -  STOPPED
                         ebdrv -                                      Broadcom NetXtreme II 10 GigE VBD -  STOPPED
                           EFS -                                           Encrypting File System (EFS) -  STOPPED
                       elxstor -                                                                elxstor -  STOPPED
                        ErrDev -                                 Microsoft Hardware Error Device Driver -  STOPPED
                      eventlog -                                                      Windows Event Log -  RUNNING
                   EventSystem -                                                      COM+ Event System -  RUNNING
                         exfat -                                               exFAT File System Driver -  STOPPED
                       fastfat -                                         FAT12/16/32 File System Driver -  STOPPED
                      FCRegSvc -                  Microsoft Fibre Channel Platform Registration Service -  STOPPED
                           fdc -                                          Floppy Disk Controller Driver -  RUNNING
                       fdPHost -                                       Function Discovery Provider Host -  STOPPED
                      FDResPub -                                Function Discovery Resource Publication -  STOPPED
                      FileInfo -                                         File Information FS MiniFilter -  STOPPED
                     Filetrace -                                                              Filetrace -  STOPPED
                      flpydisk -                                                     Floppy Disk Driver -  RUNNING
                        FltMgr -                                                                 FltMgr -  RUNNING
                     FontCache -                                             Windows Font Cache Service -  RUNNING
              FontCache3.0.0.0 -                     Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache -  STOPPED
                     FsDepends -                                      File System Dependency Minifilter -  STOPPED
                      gagp30kx -            Microsoft Generic AGPv3.0 Filter for K8 Processor Platforms -  STOPPED
                         gpsvc -                                                    Group Policy Client -  RUNNING
                      HDAudBus -                     Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio -  STOPPED
                       HidBatt -                                                 HID UPS Battery Driver -  STOPPED
                       hidserv -                                          Human Interface Device Access -  STOPPED
                        HidUsb -                                             Microsoft HID Class Driver -  STOPPED
                        hkmsvc -                                  Health Key and Certificate Management -  STOPPED
                        HpSAMD -                                                                 HpSAMD -  STOPPED
                          HTTP -                                                                   HTTP -  RUNNING
                      hwpolicy -                                                 Hardware Policy Driver -  RUNNING
                      i8042prt -                              i8042 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Port Driver -  RUNNING
                       iaStorV -                                                                iaStorV -  STOPPED
                         idsvc -                                                      Windows CardSpace -  STOPPED
                          IHXM -                                                                   IHXM -  RUNNING
                         iirsp -                                                                  iirsp -  STOPPED
                        IKEEXT -                                    IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules -  RUNNING
                      intelide -                                                               intelide -  RUNNING
                      intelppm -                                                 Intel Processor Driver -  RUNNING
                       ioatdma -                                   Intel(R) QuickData Technology Device -  STOPPED
                     IPBusEnum -                                                PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator -  STOPPED
                IpFilterDriver -                                               IP Traffic Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                      iphlpsvc -                                                              IP Helper -  RUNNING
                       IPMIDRV -                                                                IPMIDRV -  STOPPED
                         IPNAT -                                          IP Network Address Translator -  STOPPED
                        isapnp -                                                                 isapnp -  STOPPED
                      iScsiPrt -                                                       iScsiPort Driver -  STOPPED
                       IsmServ -                                                    Intersite Messaging -  RUNNING
                      kbdclass -                                                  Keyboard Class Driver -  RUNNING
                        kbdhid -                                                    Keyboard HID Driver -  STOPPED
                           kdc -                                       Kerberos Key Distribution Center -  RUNNING
                        KeyIso -                                                      CNG Key Isolation -  STOPPED
                        KSecDD -                                                                 KSecDD -  RUNNING
                       KSecPkg -                                                                KSecPkg -  RUNNING
                       ksthunk -                                                Kernel Streaming Thunks -  STOPPED
                         KtmRm -                          KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator -  STOPPED
                  LanmanServer -                                                                 Server -  RUNNING
             LanmanWorkstation -                                                            Workstation -  RUNNING
                        lltdio -                        Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver -  RUNNING
                       lltdsvc -                                   Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper -  STOPPED
                       lmhosts -                                                  TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper -  RUNNING
                        LSI_FC -                                                                 LSI_FC -  STOPPED
                       LSI_SAS -                                                                LSI_SAS -  RUNNING
                      LSI_SAS2 -                                                               LSI_SAS2 -  STOPPED
                      LSI_SCSI -                                                               LSI_SCSI -  RUNNING
                         luafv -                                                UAC File Virtualization -  RUNNING
                       megasas -                                                                megasas -  STOPPED
                        MegaSR -                                                                 MegaSR -  STOPPED
                         MMCSS -                                             Multimedia Class Scheduler -  STOPPED
                         Modem -                                                                  Modem -  STOPPED
                       monitor -                        Microsoft Monitor Class Function Driver Service -  RUNNING
                      mouclass -                                                     Mouse Class Driver -  RUNNING
                        mouhid -                                                       Mouse HID Driver -  STOPPED
                      mountmgr -                                                    Mount Point Manager -  RUNNING
                          mpio -                                                                   mpio -  STOPPED
                        mpsdrv -                                  Windows Firewall Authorization Driver -  RUNNING
                        MpsSvc -                                                       Windows Firewall -  RUNNING
                        mrxsmb -                                  SMB MiniRedirector Wrapper and Engine -  RUNNING
                      mrxsmb10 -                                                 SMB 1.x MiniRedirector -  RUNNING
                      mrxsmb20 -                                                 SMB 2.0 MiniRedirector -  RUNNING
                        msahci -                                                                 msahci -  RUNNING
                         msdsm -                                                                  msdsm -  STOPPED
                         MSDTC -                                    Distributed Transaction Coordinator -  RUNNING
                          Msfs -                                                                   Msfs -  RUNNING
                     mshidkmdf -                                 Pass-through HID to KMDF Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                      msisadrv -                                                               msisadrv -  RUNNING
                       MSiSCSI -                                      Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service -  STOPPED
                     msiserver -                                                      Windows Installer -  STOPPED
                         MsRPC -                                                                  MsRPC -  STOPPED
                      mssmbios -                                Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver -  RUNNING
              MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS -                                                SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) -  RUNNING
                      MTConfig -                                   Microsoft Input Configuration Driver -  STOPPED
                           Mup -                                                                    Mup -  RUNNING
                      napagent -                                        Network Access Protection Agent -  STOPPED
                          NDIS -                                                     NDIS System Driver -  RUNNING
                       NdisCap -                                        NDIS Capture LightWeight Filter -  STOPPED
                      NdisTapi -                                         Remote Access NDIS TAPI Driver -  RUNNING
                       Ndisuio -                                             NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol -  STOPPED
                       NdisWan -                                          Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver -  RUNNING
                       NDProxy -                                                             NDIS Proxy -  RUNNING
                       NetBIOS -                                                      NetBIOS Interface -  RUNNING
                         NetBT -                                                                  NetBT -  RUNNING
                      Netlogon -                                                               Netlogon -  RUNNING
                        Netman -                                                    Network Connections -  STOPPED
              NetMsmqActivator -                                              Net.Msmq Listener Adapter -  STOPPED
              NetPipeActivator -                                              Net.Pipe Listener Adapter -  STOPPED
                      netprofm -                                                   Network List Service -  RUNNING
               NetTcpActivator -                                               Net.Tcp Listener Adapter -  STOPPED
             NetTcpPortSharing -                                           Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service -  STOPPED
                       nfrd960 -                                                                nfrd960 -  STOPPED
                        NlaSvc -                                             Network Location Awareness -  RUNNING
                          Npfs -                                                                   Npfs -  RUNNING
                           nsi -                                        Network Store Interface Service -  RUNNING
                      nsiproxy -                                              NSI proxy service driver. -  RUNNING
                          NTDS -                                       Active Directory Domain Services -  RUNNING
                         NtFrs -                                                       File Replication -  STOPPED
                          Ntfs -                                                                   Ntfs -  RUNNING
                          Null -                                                                   Null -  RUNNING
                        nvraid -                                                                 nvraid -  STOPPED
                        nvstor -                                                                 nvstor -  STOPPED
                        nv_agp -                                           NVIDIA nForce AGP Bus Filter -  STOPPED
                      ohci1394 -                           1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller (Legacy) -  STOPPED
                       Parport -                                                   Parallel port driver -  STOPPED
                       partmgr -                                                      Partition Manager -  RUNNING
                           pci -                                                         PCI Bus Driver -  RUNNING
                        pciide -                                                                 pciide -  STOPPED
                        pcmcia -                                                                 pcmcia -  STOPPED
                           pcw -                                Performance Counters for Windows Driver -  RUNNING
                        PEAUTH -                                                                 PEAUTH -  RUNNING
                      PerfHost -                                           Performance Counter DLL Host -  STOPPED
                           pla -                                              Performance Logs & Alerts -  STOPPED
                      PlugPlay -                                                          Plug and Play -  RUNNING
                   PolicyAgent -                                                     IPsec Policy Agent -  RUNNING
                         Power -                                                                  Power -  RUNNING
                  PptpMiniport -                                                    WAN Miniport (PPTP) -  RUNNING
                     Processor -                                                       Processor Driver -  STOPPED
                       ProfSvc -                                                   User Profile Service -  RUNNING
              ProtectedStorage -                                                      Protected Storage -  STOPPED
                        Psched -                                                   QoS Packet Scheduler -  RUNNING
                        ql2300 -                                                                 ql2300 -  STOPPED
                        ql40xx -                                                                 ql40xx -  STOPPED
                        RasAcd -                                   Remote Access Auto Connection Driver -  STOPPED
                   RasAgileVpn -                                                   WAN Miniport (IKEv2) -  RUNNING
                       RasAuto -                                  Remote Access Auto Connection Manager -  STOPPED
                       Rasl2tp -                                                    WAN Miniport (L2TP) -  RUNNING
                        RasMan -                                       Remote Access Connection Manager -  STOPPED
                      RasPppoe -                                             Remote Access PPPOE Driver -  RUNNING
                       RasSstp -                                                    WAN Miniport (SSTP) -  RUNNING
                         rdbss -                                       Redirected Buffering Sub Sysytem -  RUNNING
                        rdpbus -                            Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus Driver -  RUNNING
                        RDPCDD -                                                                 RDPCDD -  RUNNING
                         RDPDR -                               Terminal Server Device Redirector Driver -  STOPPED
                      RDPENCDD -                                              RDP Encoder Mirror Driver -  RUNNING
                      RDPREFMP -          Reflector Display Driver used to gain access to graphics data -  RUNNING
                         RDPWD -                                                  RDP Winstation Driver -  STOPPED
                  RemoteAccess -                                              Routing and Remote Access -  STOPPED
                RemoteRegistry -                                                        Remote Registry -  RUNNING
                  RpcEptMapper -                                                    RPC Endpoint Mapper -  RUNNING
                    RpcLocator -                                    Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator -  STOPPED
                         RpcSs -                                            Remote Procedure Call (RPC) -  RUNNING
                      RsFx0300 -                                                        RsFx0300 Driver -  STOPPED
                      RSoPProv -                                       Resultant Set of Policy Provider -  STOPPED
                        rspndr -                                Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder -  RUNNING
                         s3cap -                                                                  s3cap -  STOPPED
                        sacdrv -                                                                 sacdrv -  STOPPED
                        sacsvr -                                  Special Administration Console Helper -  STOPPED
                         SamSs -                                              Security Accounts Manager -  RUNNING
                      sbp2port -                                                               sbp2port -  STOPPED
                      SCardSvr -                                                             Smart Card -  STOPPED
                      scfilter -                                     Smart card PnP Class Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                      Schedule -                                                         Task Scheduler -  RUNNING
                   SCPolicySvc -                                              Smart Card Removal Policy -  STOPPED
                        secdrv -                                                        Security Driver -  STOPPED
                      seclogon -                                                        Secondary Logon -  STOPPED
                          SENS -                                      System Event Notification Service -  RUNNING
                       Serenum -                                                  Serenum Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                        Serial -                                                     Serial port driver -  STOPPED
                      sermouse -                                                    Serial Mouse Driver -  STOPPED
                    SessionEnv -                                           Remote Desktop Configuration -  STOPPED
                       sffdisk -                                               SFF Storage Class Driver -  STOPPED
                      sffp_mmc -                                    SFF Storage Protocol Driver for MMC -  STOPPED
                       sffp_sd -                                  SFF Storage Protocol Driver for SDBus -  STOPPED
                       sfloppy -                                        High-Capacity Floppy Disk Drive -  STOPPED
                  SharedAccess -                                      Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) -  STOPPED
              ShellHWDetection -                                               Shell Hardware Detection -  RUNNING
                      SiSRaid2 -                                                               SiSRaid2 -  STOPPED
                      SiSRaid4 -                                                               SiSRaid4 -  STOPPED
                           Smb -            Message-oriented TCP/IP and TCP/IPv6 Protocol (SMB session) -  STOPPED
                      SNMPTRAP -                                                              SNMP Trap -  STOPPED
                         spldr -                                       Security Processor Loader Driver -  RUNNING
                       Spooler -                                                          Print Spooler -  RUNNING
                        sppsvc -                                                    Software Protection -  RUNNING
                   sppuinotify -                                               SPP Notification Service -  STOPPED
           SQLAgent$SQLEXPRESS -                                          SQL Server Agent (SQLEXPRESS) -  STOPPED
                    SQLBrowser -                                                     SQL Server Browser -  STOPPED
                     SQLWriter -                                                  SQL Server VSS Writer -  RUNNING
                           srv -                                                Server SMB Driver -  RUNNING
                          srv2 -                                                Server SMB Driver -  RUNNING
                        srvnet -                                                                 srvnet -  RUNNING
                       SSDPSRV -                                                         SSDP Discovery -  STOPPED
                       SstpSvc -                               Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service -  STOPPED
                      stexstor -                                                               stexstor -  STOPPED
                       storflt -                    Disk Virtual Machine Bus Acceleration Filter Driver -  RUNNING
                       storvsc -                                                                storvsc -  STOPPED
                       storvsp -                                                                storvsp -  STOPPED
                        swenum -                                                    Software Bus Driver -  RUNNING
                         swprv -                                Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider -  STOPPED
                       TapiSrv -                                                              Telephony -  STOPPED
                           TBS -                                                      TPM Base Services -  STOPPED
                         Tcpip -                                                 TCP/IP Protocol Driver -  RUNNING
                        TCPIP6 -                                         Microsoft IPv6 Protocol Driver -  STOPPED
                      tcpipreg -                                          TCP/IP Registry Compatibility -  RUNNING
                        TDPIPE -                                                                 TDPIPE -  STOPPED
                         TDTCP -                                                                  TDTCP -  STOPPED
                           tdx -                                        NetIO Legacy TDI Support Driver -  RUNNING
                        TermDD -                                                 Terminal Device Driver -  RUNNING
                   TermService -                                                Remote Desktop Services -  STOPPED
                   THREADORDER -                                                 Thread Ordering Server -  STOPPED
                        TrkWks -                                       Distributed Link Tracking Client -  STOPPED
              TrustedInstaller -                                              Windows Modules Installer -  STOPPED
                      tssecsrv -                         Remote Desktop Services Security Filter Driver -  STOPPED
                      TsUsbFlt -                                                               TsUsbFlt -  STOPPED
                       TsUsbGD -                                      Remote Desktop Generic USB Device -  STOPPED
                        tunnel -                               Microsoft Tunnel Miniport Adapter Driver -  RUNNING
                          TZZW -                                                                   TZZW -  RUNNING
                        uagp35 -                                               Microsoft AGPv3.5 Filter -  STOPPED
                          udfs -                                                                   udfs -  STOPPED
                     UI0Detect -                                         Interactive Services Detection -  STOPPED
                      uliagpkx -                                                     Uli AGP Bus Filter -  STOPPED
                         umbus -                                                UMBus Enumerator Driver -  RUNNING
                        UmPass -                                                Microsoft UMPass Driver -  STOPPED
                  UmRdpService -                       Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector -  STOPPED
                      upnphost -                                                       UPnP Device Host -  STOPPED
                       usbccgp -                                    Microsoft USB Generic Parent Driver -  STOPPED
                       usbehci -             Microsoft USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller Miniport Driver -  STOPPED
                        usbhub -                                      Microsoft USB Standard Hub Driver -  STOPPED
                       usbohci -                     Microsoft USB Open Host Controller Miniport Driver -  STOPPED
                      usbprint -                                            Microsoft USB PRINTER Class -  STOPPED
                       USBSTOR -                                                USB Mass Storage Driver -  STOPPED
                       usbuhci -                Microsoft USB Universal Host Controller Miniport Driver -  STOPPED
                         UxSms -                                 Desktop Window Manager Session Manager -  RUNNING
                      VaultSvc -                                                     Credential Manager -  STOPPED
                      vdrvroot -                              Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator Driver -  RUNNING
                           vds -                                                           Virtual Disk -  RUNNING
                           vga -                                                                    vga -  STOPPED
                       VgaSave -                                                                VgaSave -  RUNNING
                         vhdmp -                                                                  vhdmp -  STOPPED
                        viaide -                                                                 viaide -  STOPPED
                           Vid -                                                                    Vid -  STOPPED
                        vm3dmp -                                                                 vm3dmp -  RUNNING
                         vmbus -                                                                  vmbus -  STOPPED
                      VMBusHID -                                                               VMBusHID -  STOPPED
                          vmci -                                                 VMware VMCI Bus Driver -  RUNNING
                        vmhgfs -                                    VMware Host Guest Client Redirector -  RUNNING
                      VMMEMCTL -                                                  Memory Control Driver -  RUNNING
                       vmmouse -                                                 VMware Pointing Device -  RUNNING
                      vmrawdsk -                                      VMware Vista Physical Disk Helper -  RUNNING
                       VMTools -                                                           VMware Tools -  RUNNING
                         vmvss -                                               VMware Snapshot Provider -  STOPPED
                       vnetflt -                                                             vNetFilter -  RUNNING
                        volmgr -                                                  Volume Manager Driver -  RUNNING
                       volmgrx -                                                 Dynamic Volume Manager -  RUNNING
                       volsnap -                                                        Storage volumes -  RUNNING
                       vsepflt -                                                            VFileFilter -  RUNNING
                       vsmraid -                                                                vsmraid -  STOPPED
                         vsock -                                                        vSockets Driver -  RUNNING
                           VSS -                                                     Volume Shadow Copy -  STOPPED
                       W32Time -                                                           Windows Time -  RUNNING
                         W3SVC -                                      World Wide Web Publishing Service -  RUNNING
                      WacomPen -                                            Wacom Serial Pen HID Driver -  STOPPED
                        WANARP -                                            Remote Access IP ARP Driver -  STOPPED
                      Wanarpv6 -                                          Remote Access IPv6 ARP Driver -  RUNNING
                           WAS -                                     Windows Process Activation Service -  RUNNING
              WcsPlugInService -                                                   Windows Color System -  STOPPED
                            Wd -                                                                     Wd -  STOPPED
                      Wdf01000 -                                  Kernel Mode Driver Frameworks service -  RUNNING
                WdiServiceHost -                                                Diagnostic Service Host -  STOPPED
                 WdiSystemHost -                                                 Diagnostic System Host -  RUNNING
                        Wecsvc -                                                Windows Event Collector -  STOPPED
                 wercplsupport -                    Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support -  STOPPED
                        WerSvc -                                        Windows Error Reporting Service -  STOPPED
                        WfpLwf -                                                 WFP Lightweight Filter -  RUNNING
                      WIMMount -                                                               WIMMount -  STOPPED
           WinHttpAutoProxySvc -                               WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service -  RUNNING
                       Winmgmt -                                     Windows Management Instrumentation -  RUNNING
                         WinRM -                              Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) -  RUNNING
                          WLMS -                                   Windows Licensing Monitoring Service -  RUNNING
                       WmiAcpi -                        Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI -  STOPPED
                      wmiApSrv -                                                WMI Performance Adapter -  STOPPED
                    WPDBusEnum -                                     Portable Device Enumerator Service -  STOPPED
                       ws2ifsl -        Windows Socket 2.0 Non-IFS Service Provider Support Environment -  RUNNING
                      wuauserv -                                                         Windows Update -  RUNNING
                        WudfPf -                            User Mode Driver Frameworks Platform Driver -  STOPPED
                       wudfsvc -                 Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework -  STOPPED
Alamot commented 6 years ago
Impacket v0.9.15 - Copyright 2002-2016 Core Security Technologies

[*] Trying protocol 445/SMB...
[*] Querying service config for TZZW
TYPE              : 16 -  SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS  
START_TYPE        :  2 -  AUTO START
BINARY_PATH_NAME  : C:\Windows\EfuIvklz.exe
TAG               : 0
asolino commented 6 years ago

That's the one @Alamot

You should stop the service, remove the service and remove the file. You can do that this way: username:password@targetHost stop -name TZZW username:password@targetHost delete -name TZZW

You can remove the file by connecting to the C$ or ADMIN$ share using

Alamot commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much. So if this service is already running then a user can get system even if he cannot write to any share. Right?

asolino commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much. So if this service is already running then a user can get system even if he cannot write to any share. Right?

That is correct. The need for a writeable share is for copying the RemComSvc Windows Service file. Once it is running, all communication is done through Windows Named Pipes.