fortran-lang / minpack

Modernized Minpack: for solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems
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Can enorm be replaced with norm2? #36

Open ivan-pi opened 2 years ago

ivan-pi commented 2 years ago

The function enorm provides the Euclidean norm of a vector. From the MINPACK user guide:

The algorithm used in ENORM is a simplified version of Blue's [1978] algorithm. An advantage of the MINPACK-1 version is that it does not require machine constants; a disadvantage is that nondestructive underflows are allowed.

The function enorm is obsolescent as far as I'm concerned. The Fortran 2008 standard and later provide a norm2 intrinsic function. The standard recommends that processors compute the result without undue overflow or underflow.

Other notable norm implementations include:

Here's a quick demonstration program:

program main
  implicit none  
  integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
  real(dp) :: x(20)
  real(dp) :: dnrm2, enorm
  call random_number(x)
  print *, "enorm ", enorm(size(x), x)
  print *, "dnrm2 ", dnrm2(size(x), x, 1)
  print *, "norm2 ", norm2(x)
end program

An example run:

$ gfortran dnrm2.f enorm.f norm_example.f90 
$ ./a.out
 enorm    2.1356777438951129     
 dnrm2    2.1356777438951133     
 norm2    2.1356777438951129     

A potential issue of removing enorm in favor of norm2 are the workarounds needed to support older compilers. One approach could be to use a preprocessor block:

pure real(wp) function enorm(n, x)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real(wp), intent(in) :: x(n)
  ! ... current MINPACK-1 algorithm ...
  enorm = norm2(x)
end function

Personally, I'd just replace enorm with norm2 everywhere it occurs. If deemed necessary, the original implementation can be preserved as an external subroutine in a "compatibility" folder for older compilers.

I'd also be interested in learning what type of tests can we come up with to prove the "worthiness" of the intrinsic norm2 over the MINPACK-1 algorithm.


ivan-pi commented 2 years ago

The CMinpack version of enorm decided to redefine the rdwarf and rgiant constants so that:

  rdwarf = sqrt(dpmpar(2)*1.5) * 10
  rgiant = sqrt(dpmpar(3)) * 0.1

following the MPFIT library.

They also offer the option of using the BLAS norm with a preprocessor statement:

#ifdef USE_CBLAS
    return __cminpack_cblas__(nrm2)(n, x, 1);
#else /* !USE_CBLAS */
  // ...

Honestly, all of these feel like magic numbers to me. The Fortran intrinsic norm2 is hopefully the most portable option moving forward, shifting the burden of detecting overflow/underflow to the compiler developers. It also works with any real type.

arjenmarkus commented 2 years ago

I agree with using the standard norm2. I experimented a bit to mimic the situation where the intrinsic function is not available and would have to be replaced by an external function. That is a trifle subtle, but with a bit of manipulation that is quite doable.

Op za 12 feb. 2022 om 17:00 schreef Ivan Pribec @.***>:

The CMinpack version of enorm also decided to redefine the rdwarf and rgiant constants so that:

rdwarf = sqrt(dpmpar(2)1.5) 10 rgiant = sqrt(dpmpar(3)) * 0.1

following the MPFIT library.

They also offer the option of using the BLAS norm with a preprocessor statement:


return __cminpack_cblas__(nrm2)(n, x, 1);

else / !USE_CBLAS /

// ...

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ivan-pi commented 2 years ago

In the case norm2 is not available, I would probably just link it as an external function:

#if NO_F2008_NORM2
  external :: norm2
  intrinsic :: norm2

One downside is in case you need the optional dim argument from norm2(array[, dim]). The built-in version will give a warning about rank-mismatch. The current interface of enorm implies it is only used for rank-1 arrays.

Edit: Since we are now using a module, it might make more sense to play with importing or over-writing the intrinsic procedure, or even some other preprocessor trickery. In any case it is not worth pursuing unless users ask for it kindly.

ivan-pi commented 2 years ago

A quick grep shows there are 43 occurrences where enorm appears on the right-hand side:

$ grep -n .*=.*enorm\(.*\) minpack.f90
282:        qnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
301:            gnorm = enorm(n, Wa1)
321:                temp = enorm(n, Wa2)
333:                    bnorm = enorm(n, Qtb)
701:        fnorm = enorm(n, Fvec)
746:            xnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
818:        pnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
830:            fnorm1 = enorm(n, Wa4)
848:            temp = enorm(n, Wa3)
880:                xnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
1143:        fnorm = enorm(n, Fvec)
1185:            xnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
1258:        pnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
1270:            fnorm1 = enorm(n, Wa4)
1288:            temp = enorm(n, Wa3)
1322:                xnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
1614:                fnorm = enorm(m, Fvec)
1660:                        xnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
1728:                        pnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
1740:                            fnorm1 = enorm(m, Wa4)
1758:                            temp1 = enorm(n, Wa3)/fnorm
1793:                                xnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
2083:                fnorm = enorm(m, Fvec)
2129:                        xnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
2198:                        pnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
2210:                            fnorm1 = enorm(m, Wa4)
2228:                            temp1 = enorm(n, Wa3)/fnorm
2266:                                xnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
2503:        dxnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
2530:                temp = enorm(n, Wa1)
2544:            gnorm = enorm(n, Wa1)
2570:            dxnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
2599:                temp = enorm(n, Wa1)
2768:        fnorm = enorm(m, Fvec)
2813:            Wa2(j) = enorm(j, Fjac(1, j))
2849:            xnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
2896:            pnorm = enorm(n, Wa3)
2908:                fnorm1 = enorm(m, Wa4)
2926:                temp1 = enorm(n, Wa3)/fnorm
2963:                    xnorm = enorm(n, Wa2)
3235:            Acnorm(j) = enorm(m, a(1, j))
3270:            ajnorm = enorm(m - j + 1, a(j, j))
3296:                                Rdiag(k) = enorm(m - j, a(jp1, k))

In most cases the number of elements matches the array size so no problem there. Probably only four occurrences reference rank-2 arrays:

$ grep -n .*=.*enorm\(.*\(.*\)\) minpack.f90
2813:            Wa2(j) = enorm(j, Fjac(1, j))
3235:            Acnorm(j) = enorm(m, a(1, j))
3270:            ajnorm = enorm(m - j + 1, a(j, j))
3296:                                Rdiag(k) = enorm(m - j, a(jp1, k))

Here's the wider context of line 2813:

        sing = .false.
        do j = 1, n
            if (Fjac(j, j) == zero) sing = .true.
            Ipvt(j) = j
            Wa2(j) = enorm(j, Fjac(1, j))
        end do

The norm is taken over columns in the upper triangular part of the matrix Fjac, so you can't use the dim argument anyways. Here's a refactored version with the three assignments separated:

! check if Jacobian is singular
sing = any(diag(fjac) == zero) 

! initialize pivot array
Ipvt = [(j, j = 1, n)]

! calculate norm of upper triangular columns
do j = 1, n
  Wa2(j) = norm2(fjac(1:j,j))
end do

While it communicates the intent better, I can't decide whether it's a modification worth pursuing.

Here's the context of line 3235:

        ! compute the initial column norms and initialize several arrays.

        do j = 1, n
            Acnorm(j) = enorm(m, a(1, j))
            Rdiag(j) = Acnorm(j)
            Wa(j) = Rdiag(j)
            if (Pivot) Ipvt(j) = j
        end do

In this case we could use the dim argument:

! compute the initial column norms and initialize several arrays

acnorm = norm2(a, dim=2)
rdiag = acnorm
wa = rdiag
if (pivot) Ipvt = [(j, j = 1, n)]

What do you guys think:

ivan-pi commented 2 years ago

Before I forget, the two instances:

3270:            ajnorm = enorm(m - j + 1, a(j, j))
3296:                                Rdiag(k) = enorm(m - j, a(jp1, k))

can be rewritten as

ajnorm = norm2(a(j:m,j))
Rdiag(k) = norm2(a(jp1:m,k))

In both cases, the norm is taken over a section of an array column, so no need for the dim option either. Just an observation, the array section syntax makes it obvious we are taking these along the first dimension. The older method of passing the address to the first element obfuscates this.