fortran-lang / stdlib

Fortran Standard Library
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Matrix determinant #373

Open Beliavsky opened 3 years ago

Beliavsky commented 3 years ago

It would be convenient for stdlib to have a function for computing the determinant of a square matrix. The cases of symmetric positive definite (SPD) (use Cholesky decomposition) and a general matrix should be handled separately. Here is code for the SPD case. I have not included the choldc code from Numerical Recipes, but there are public domain routines for it.

function det_symm_pos_def(amat) result(det)
! compute the determinant of a positive definite symmetric matrixx using Cholesky decomposition
real(kind=dp)    , intent(in) :: amat(:,:) ! (n,n)
real(kind=dp)                 :: det
real(kind=dp)                 :: acp(size(amat,1),size(amat,2)),p(size(amat,1))
integer                       :: ierr
character (len=*), parameter  :: msg = "in det_symm_pos_def, "
if (size(amat,1) /= size(amat,2)) then
   write (*,*) msg // "shape(amat) =",shape(amat)," need dimensions to be the same, STOPPING"
end if
acp = amat
call choldc(acp,p,ierr) ! output: acp, p, ierr
if (ierr /= 0) then
   write (*,*) msg // "returning from choldc, ierr =",ierr," STOPPING"
end if
det = product(p**2)
end function det_symm_pos_def
awvwgk commented 3 years ago

Sounds like something that could be done via LAPACK's ?potrf functionality. Not sure if we really want to implement such functionality ourselves and try to compete with optimized implementations like MKL.

ivan-pi commented 3 years ago

Actually, matrix determinant is something we likely have to implement ourselves on top of the factorizations from LAPACK (product of the factors in the diagonal). See e.g. the code used in numpy:

Unfortunately, convenience linear algebra wrappers are kind of a daunting area for many reasons: