fortran-lang / vscode-fortran-support

Fortran language support for Visual Studio Code
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bug(syntax): F77 code highlighting cannot resolve a bare statement with line continuation #1130

Open ilayn opened 3 months ago

ilayn commented 3 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?


If the file is opened in VS Code, the syntax highlighting comes quite nice all the way down to the line 967 and then gets confused on a naked format directive and cannot recover until the end of the file. On my system, it looks like the screenshot pasted below.

However, if I transfer a single character from 968 to 967 so format has at least something in the same line, it manages to recover. This leads me to believe that there is a greedy search for an argument after format line but cannot resolve the line continuation context.




Code Example

!   Code above snippped
      dsave(14) = stp
      dsave(15) = gdold
      dsave(16) = dtd

 1001 format (//,'ITERATION ',i5)
 1002 format
     +  (/,'At iterate',i5,4x,'f= ',1p,d12.5,4x,'|proj g|= ',1p,d12.5)
 1003 format (2(1x,i4),5x,'-',5x,'-',3x,'-',5x,'-',5x,'-',8x,'-',3x,
     +        1p,2(1x,d10.3))
 1004 format ('  ys=',1p,e10.3,'  -gs=',1p,e10.3,' BFGS update SKIPPED')
 1005 format (/,
     +' Singular triangular system detected;',/,
     +'   refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.')
 1006 format (/,
     +' Nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization in formk;',/,
     +'   refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.')
 1007 format (/,
     +' Nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization in formt;',/,
     +'   refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.')
 1008 format (/,
     +' Bad direction in the line search;',/,
     +'   refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.')

!   Code below snippped

Fortran Version (Free/Fixed Form)

Fixed Form e.g. F77

Version of Modern Fortran

v3.4.2024061901 (pre-release)

Version of Visual Studio Code


Platform and Architecture

Windows 10

Additional Information

No response