Consensus at 8/29 check-in is that we will use typed objects in place of YAML files for Storybook args. Args will live in a separate .ts or .tsx file that is imported into the story as the YAML is now.
For now, assume new args file will use the same args as the original one (aside from anything that needs to be fixed because it's missing or typed incorrectly). What should be an arg and whether or not it should match the controls for the end user is a question for another day.
Consensus at 8/29 check-in is that we will use typed objects in place of YAML files for Storybook args. Args will live in a separate .ts or .tsx file that is imported into the story as the YAML is now.
For now, assume new args file will use the same args as the original one (aside from anything that needs to be fixed because it's missing or typed incorrectly). What should be an arg and whether or not it should match the controls for the end user is a question for another day.