forwardemail / email-templates

Create, preview (browser/iOS Simulator), and send custom email templates for Node.js. Made for @forwardemail, @ladjs, @cabinjs, @spamscanner, and @breejs.
MIT License
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absolute paths on WSL2 #430

Closed MidoloS closed 2 years ago

MidoloS commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to use absolute paths to access files from a WSL2 (Ubuntu) instance?

I can see that the absolute paths are based on starting with "/"

so i tried the following solution

return await sendMail({
    template: '/\\wsl$/Ubuntu/home/.../.../.../emails/users/welcome',

but it dropped the following error


     "Error": "ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/\wsl$/Ubuntu/home/.../.../.../emails/users/welcome/text.pug'",
     "errno": "-2",
     "code": "ENOENT",
     "syscall": "stat",
niftylettuce commented 2 years ago

Not sure why you have \\, that's your issue it seems.