foryVERX / Overwatch-Server-Selector

A simple program allows you to select the server you want to play on.
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Blocks severs even after deletion #35

Open OWKiri opened 3 weeks ago

OWKiri commented 3 weeks ago

Hello ^^

I downloaded this to play with a friend so that they weren't playing high ping. Only had it for a days and then deleted it. But now I have been having problems with connecting to any other servers then NA. Overwatch won't even put me in a game it just send me a "failed to connect to server" and then hands me a suspend for "leaving the game". Does anybody know how to fix this??

Padiider commented 2 weeks ago

Hey if you have that problem the fix would be removing the firewall rule that blocks it i had problems because of it and you can disable it by going to your advanced firewall rules and disabling both inbound and outbound rules and it should fix it (im bad at explaining but its fairly easy to find)