foss-for-synopsys-dwc-arc-processors / embarc_osp

embARC Open Software Platform (OSP) - An embedded software distribution for IoT and other embedded applications for ARC
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Hang while running with specific TCF #123

Closed benhaim1 closed 5 years ago

benhaim1 commented 5 years ago

Issue Summary


Development Environment

Bug Description

When using specific TCF file the run is stuck as follows:

C:\Users\benhaim\Downloads\embarc_osp-master\example\freertos\kernel>gmake BOARD=nsim -j4 run TCF=arc_em6_mini_enhanced.tcf

freeRTOS: there are 4 task priorities. Error in evaluating expression `&xQueueRegistry'. Current task is 0: denotes current task in _arc_reset.

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embARC Build Time: Jun 18 2019, 20:05:00 Compiler Version: Metaware, 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 6.0.1 (branches/release_60) Benchmark CPU Frequency: 200000000 Hz Benchmark will run 200 times, please wait about 400 ms perf timer init failed

IRISZZW commented 5 years ago

In embarc_osp project we get some hardware configuration from tcf file.

We generate CPU Frequency from macro definition core_config_clock_speed defined in tcf file, CPU Frequency = core_config_clock_speed*1000000. So check the core_config_clock_speed defined in your tcf file.

In freertos kernel example, we use TIMER1 for perf timer, so you need add TIMER1 support in tcf file.