foss-np / batti

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Installation error from the latest commit #34

Closed samundra closed 8 years ago

samundra commented 8 years ago

Replication Steps:

  1. sudo git clone --recursive
    • no issues, works good.
  2. ./configure
    • no issues, works good
  3. sudo make

    • throws following error
    rm -f /usr/local/bin/batti
    rm -rf /opt/batti
    mkdir -p /opt/batti
    install -m 755 -t /opt/batti/
    install: cannot stat ‘’: No such file or directory
    make: *** [install] Error 1

looks like the folder is being deleted before the installation of the application. I remember it worked last time.

System Details: OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installation directory: /opt/

Let me know if you have any queries.

Thanks, Samundra

rhoit commented 8 years ago

I couldn't recreate the problem, but should work fine with more new changes.

thapakazi commented 8 years ago

Neither could I :camel:

samundra commented 8 years ago

Sorry for being late, I was in place with very limited internet connection. :)

Regarding the issue, it seems to happen if the installation directory is other than home directory. The installation worked fine in home directory but reports error in /opt/ directory.

Replication Steps:

Note: I haven't tested it for other directories.

thapakazi commented 8 years ago

lol, my opt is public... :laughing:

samundra commented 8 years ago

@zerOnepal My opt is owned by root. I also tried 777 permission on batti folder only inside the /opt/ directory. I don't want to set 777 on /opt/ directory.

rhoit commented 8 years ago

@samundra its seems, like you are trying to clone in the place where its suppose to be installed in thats /opt.

the install script cleans the old existing files. and tries to copy the new one, here when you try to install it you are removing the file first, then tries to copy. :joy_cat: that's why its the problem.

if you directly clone to /opt try using make link

rhoit commented 8 years ago

@samundra are you still facing the problem?

samundra commented 8 years ago

I haven't tried it yet. Since I now know what exactly is happening during make I think I will be able to resolve it on my own. I hope it won't happen with your latest changes in the repo. I will try to do a fresh installation tonight and let you know. :8ball: currently stucked with urgent work :hourglass_flowing_sand:

masterpradipg commented 8 years ago

E: Malformed entry 49 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (Suite) E: The list of sources could not be read.

the error line is: deb

this issue is in my ubuntu 16.04 ? Any solution??

rhoit commented 8 years ago

@masterpradipg this is the different issue can you post new issue.. i my best guess is there is no deb-packages.

samundra commented 8 years ago

@masterpradipg Though I haven't tried it yet.

Did you already test it?

$ mkdir -p deb/DEBIAN
$ mkdir -p deb/usr/local/bin
$ cp deb/usr/local/bin/batti
$ cp info deb/DEBIAN/control
$ dpkg-deb --build deb .

This is supposed to create.deb package for the batti. You can also find above commands in Makefile.

@rhoit Lets work on packaging the repos into .deb

rhoit commented 8 years ago

I'm not in debian based system @samundra

samundra commented 8 years ago

How about arch packages :smiling_imp: just kidding. I will look into packaging the repos someday :hourglass_flowing_sand: There are few repos I am thinking to package. :wrench:

I will create separate discussion thread for these. :do_not_litter:

Lets close this issue now we do not need it anymore.

:+1: :white_check_mark: issues resolved