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Hack Week - ELF/PE Parsers #1411

Open meghfossa opened 4 months ago

meghfossa commented 4 months ago


Provide an overview of this change. Describe the intent of this change, and how it implements that intent.

Example: This PR accomplishes X by doing Y.

Acceptance criteria

If this PR is successful, what impact does it have on the user experience?

Example: When users do X, Y should now happen.

Testing plan

How did you validate that this PR works? What literal steps did you take when manually checking that your code works?


  1. Set up test case X.
  2. Run command Y. Make sure Z happens.

This section should list concrete steps that a reviewer can sanity check and repeat on their own machine (and provide any needed test cases).


Highlight any areas that you're unsure of, want feedback on, or want reviewers to pay particular attention to.

Example: I'm not sure I did X correctly, can reviewers please double-check that for me?


Is this change something that can or should be tracked? If so, can we do it today? And how? If its easy, do it


Add links to any referenced GitHub issues, Zendesk tickets, Jira tickets, Slack threads, etc.

