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[ANE-1377] SBOM upload #1435

Closed spatten closed 3 months ago

spatten commented 3 months ago


Delivers ANE-1377

This PR adds a new command, fossa sbom, with two subcommands, fossa sbom analyze and fossa sbom test.

fossa sbom analyze takes a path to an SBOM file and uploads it to Core to be scanned.

fossa sbom test does the equivalent of fossa test, but for the resulting SBOM project.

Links to docs:

Acceptance criteria

Testing plan

Grab an SBOM by downloading a sample one. You can get one from this blog post.

Run fossa sbom analyze with the file you just downloaded. There are no changes required to Core, so you can just hit prod.

make install-dev
fossa-dev sbom analyze ~/Downloads/sampleCycloneDX.json

You should see a resulting report on Core:


    View FOSSA Report:


Click through and verify that this project exists and looks correct. It should have a bunch of issues.

Now run fossa sbom test:

fossa sbom test

It should show you the errors. It should also grab the timestamp that was cached in the file system when you ran fossa sbom analyze.

Do this again with a few variations. Try the --project, --revision, --team and --force-rescan flags.

Test that fossa test with a revision that falls back to a timestamp still works.

cd ~/some/project
fossa-dev analyze

    View FOSSA Report:


fossa-dev test
Unable to infer project revision from VCS, using current timestamp as the revision.

Using project name: `vendored-dependencies`
Using revision: `2024-05-29T22:52:26Z`

Test passed! 0 issues found


I think the only changes that are risky here are the changes that affect fossa test. As long as these changes do not break fossa test, this is low risk.

I've tested these in the test plan, and the changes are pretty strongly type checked, so I think we should be okay.


I added telemetry to track usage of fossa sbom analyze.


