fossasia / CommonsNet

Sharing and Transparency for WiFi Networks
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Propose technologies to be used for service #3

Closed mariobehling closed 8 years ago

mariobehling commented 8 years ago

What technology/framework etc. should we use for the site?

agwisniewska commented 8 years ago

@mariobehling I am thinking about wordpress - and php MySQL database, Javascript/ Jquery to wizard flow, contact form, Bootstrap, SASS,

mariobehling commented 8 years ago

Please list pros/cons etc.

agwisniewska commented 8 years ago








mariobehling commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot. I think we are all mostly aware of the technologies. The question is rather, what is the pro or con of using these technologies for this project, rather than using other technologies.

agwisniewska commented 8 years ago

@mariobehling I am simply familiar with JQuery, JavaScript and Bootstrap. So it helps me to code faster. And we can avoid using wordpress and php on Commonsnet website and create outside blog in like Open Event

hongquan commented 8 years ago

If you avoid PHP, which technology will be used for backend? Or you want to use JavaScript for backend as well (NodeJS)?

agwisniewska commented 8 years ago

Firstly, I am not sure if I need it. It depends on the fact if we want to have a panel admin. I think it is not absolutely necessary. next if yes, PHP is not friendly to me and I want to avoid it, so I can use Python, which is not so strange to me as PHP. I have written about PHP only if I have to use WordPress. If not - it's not good idea for me to use PHP.

agwisniewska commented 8 years ago

I guess that JavaScript - Node JS for backend is good as well.