fossasia / eventyay-checkin

eventyay checkin
Apache License 2.0
1.46k stars 14 forks source link

Implement option to make fields customizable before printout of badge #7

Open mariobehling opened 1 month ago

mariobehling commented 1 month ago

Users should have the option to edit fields on their badge before printing them out.

Implementation should be as follows:

  1. Organiser should have the option to make fields customizable "Allow customizing of field"
  2. This will result in a pop up "customize your badge before printing" when checking in.
  3. Users can now choose the fields to customize or leave empty.
  4. The badges get printed with the customized option.

Screenshot from 2024-11-04 00-05-58

angrezichatterbox commented 4 days ago

I would love to work on this issue. Could you assign it to me. Could I also get some idea on how exactly to use the application