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Implement UI controls for LED Name Badge Android App #355

Open mariobehling opened 5 years ago

mariobehling commented 5 years ago

Badge Magic is an Android app to control LED name badges. The goal is to provide options to portray names, graphics and simple animations on LED badges. For the data transfer from the smartphone to the LED badge we use Bluetooth. The project is based on the work of Nilhcem.

The implementation in the Android app consists of manipulating bits. That may be tricky. A single bit error and nothing will work, plus it will be hard to debug. For those reasons, and since the specs are perfectly clear it is recommended to write unit tests before the code implementation.

Among the features that need to be implemented are:

Required Knowledge

Java, Kotlin

Possible Mentors

Jogendra Kumar, Areeb Jamal


Badge Magic Android:

kuzotelohe commented 5 years ago

Hi,. I am Kuzote Lohe currently in my 2nd year of Computer Science and Engineering from Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India.

I have read about your organisation and I'm interested to contribute to your organisation through your project, Implement UI controls for LED Name Badge Android App in GSoC 2019.

I do not have much experience in projects apart from the academic curriculum but I am confident I can take up the challenge in a positive way.

I will be anticipating for a positive response.

VishalBhosale5 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am Vishal Bhosale final year Computer Science student at Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Pune, India. I am really interested in GSoC 2019 to contribute in your project named "Implement UI controls for LED Name Badge Android App" please give me a chance to work on this project, thank you.

Sherry112 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am Shaheryar Khan, a Mechatronics Engineer from National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan. I started learning android development from the Udacity Course for beginners but now I have developed a liking for it and pursue Android Development as freelance activity. I have for this project in the GSoC 19 as i feel that this project will polish both the skills of Signal processing and digital logic design I have learned during my engineering degree and it also utilizes and further enhances my liking for Android development. I am looking forward to work with FOSSASIA during this summer.